Use of third-party modules 

Third-party modules may be installed in Super Mates applications for analysis of users' service usage.
The third-party modules installed are: 

・Google Analytics iOS SDK
Mounted by: Super Mates 1.0.0 for iOS
Provider: Google Inc.
Purpose of Use: To analyze the use of the service by users.
Provided: Device information in a form that is not personally identifiable

・Google Analytics Android SDK
Mounted by: Super Mates 1.0.0 for iOS
Provider: Google Inc.
Purpose of Use: To analyze the use of the service by users.
Provided: Device information in a form that is not personally identifiable

Mounted by: Super Mates 1.0.0 for iOS
Provider: Adjust
Purpose of Use of destination
- To measure the effectiveness of advertising and to improve products
- To provide services, etc., suitable for customers
- To analyze and research how the service,etc., have been used
Information to be Sent
- Device information (advertising identifier, OS, IP address, etc.)
- Browser information (user agent, etc.)
- Operation information (application information, etc.)
Purpose of Use of sender
- To distribute and optimize ads
- To measure the effectiveness of advertising and improve products