
第一章 總則



第二章 召集程序


本準則所定受益權人會議(以下稱 「受益權人會議」) ,除法令另有規定者外,應由國泰世華商業銀行(以下稱 「召集人」 或 「受託人」) 召集之。






受益權人會議之召集人應於受益權人會議開會二十日前,將載明下列事項之開會通知,送達已依受託人通知或公告之期限申報其權利之受益權人(以下稱 「已申報受益權人」)及其他依法令或信託契約約定應通知之人,並公告該開會通知:



















第三章 決議方法與表決權之計算


















     (一)於同一議題所表決之事項欄均打 “ V ” 表示。

     (二)於同一議題所表決之事項欄均未打 “ V ” 表示。


     (四)受益權人未於內打 “ V ” ,或以其他記號代替“ V ”。










第四章 會議規範











第五章 其他事項












Guidelines for Beneficiaries' Meeting of Trust for Payment Collected/Paid as an Agent by the Third-Party Payment Service Provider


Chapter 1. General Provisions

Article 1

In accordance with the provisions of the Trust Agreement, when the beneficial rights to the Trust Property vest in the Users and it becomes necessary to convene a beneficiaries's meeting, or when a beneficiaries's meeting is required by the Trust Agreement or other applicable laws, the procedures for convening the beneficiaries's meeting, the methods of the resolution, the calculation of voting rights, the meeting rules, and other matters to be adhered to shall be conducted in accordance with these Guidelines for Beneficiaries's Meeting of Trust for Payment Collection/Paid as an Agent by the Third-Party Payment Service Provider (hereinafter referred to as the "Meeting Guidelines"), unless otherwise provided by applicable laws. 


Chapter 2. Convening Procedures

Article 2

The beneficiaries's meeting stipulated in the these Meeting Guidelines (hereinafter referred to as the "Beneficiaries' Meeting") shall, unless otherwise provided by applicable laws, be convened by Cathay United Bank (herein after referred to as the "Convener" or the "Trustee"). 


Article 3

The beneficiaries's meeting may be held either in writing or in person.

Unless otherwise stipulated in the Trust Agreement, the aforementioned method of convening the meeting shall be determined by the Convener of the Beneficiaries' Meeting.


Article 4

The Convener of the Beneficiaries' Meeting shall deliver a meeting notice specifying the following items to the beneficiaries who have declared their rights within the period specified by the Trustee's notice a announcement (hereinafter referred to as the "Declared Beneficiaries"), and to any other persons required to be notified by laws or under the Trust Agreement, and shall publish the meeting notice, at least twenty days prior to the Beneficiaries' Meeting,.

1. The date, time, and place of the Beneficiaries' Meeting.

2. The purpose of convening the Beneficiaries' Meeting.

3. The method of holding the Beneficiaries' Meeting (in writing or in person).

4. For Beneficiaries' Meeting held in writing, the notice shall specific how beneficiaries may submit written documents (including ballots) to the Convener or its designated representative, along with the deadlines for submission, the methods for exercising voting rights, and the criteria for validating ballots.

5. The total amount of rights declared by the Declared Beneficiaries and the total amount of rights held by such beneficiary or the proportion thereof.

6. Any other matters required by applicable laws or the Trust Agreement.

The notice specified in the preceding paragraph must be sent by registered mail (if a representative has been designated, the notice shall be sent to the representative). However, with the written consent of the person to be notified, the notice may be sent electronically, and the Convener shall retain a complete record of such deliver.


Article 5

Resolutions of the Beneficiaries' Meeting may be postponed or continued within five days without applying the provisions of the preceding article. 


Article 6

If the Beneficiaries' Meeting is held in person, beneficiaries' may attend by submitting an attendance notice issued by the Convener of the Beneficiaries' Meeting, which must be signed or sealed by the beneficiary. For beneficiaries who do not attend in person, they may appoint an agent by submitting a power of attorney issued by the Convener, which must be signed or sealed by both the beneficiary and the agent, specifying the scope of authorization, along with a copy of the agent's identification documents.

A beneficiary may issue one power of attorney, appointing only one person. The original power of attorney and a copy of the agent's identification document must be delivered to the Convener or its designated representative at least five days before the Beneficiaries' Meeting. If there are multiple powers of attorney, the one received first shale prevail, however, this does not apply to those who revoke their prior authorization. 

If a beneficiary wishes to attend the Beneficiaries' Meeting in person after the power of attorney and related documents have been delivered to the Convener or its designated representative, the beneficiary must notify the Convener or its designated agent of the revocation in writing at least one day before the Beneficiaries' Meeting. If the revocation notice is submitted late, the voting rights exercised by the appointed agent shall prevail.


Article 7

When convening the Beneficiaries' Meeting, the Convener or its designated agent shall handle the mailing and receipt of written documents (including ballots), verification of related documents, preparation of the beneficiaries' register, ballot counting, and vote verification. 

When receiving written documents (including ballots) from the beneficiaries, the Convener or its designated agent shall affix a receipt stamp indicating the date of receipt. 


Chapter 3. Resolution Methods and Calculation of Voting Rights

Article 8

Voting at the Beneficiaries' Meeting shall be conducted by ballot. Users who have not declared their rights shall have no voting rights.


Article 9

A resolution of the Beneficiaries' Meeting shall be approved by more than half of the attending beneficiaries and the beneficial rights they represent must exceed half of the total amount of declared rights.


Article 10

When beneficiaries exercise their voting rights at the Beneficiaries' Meeting, the calculation of the number of their voting rights shall be based on the amount of rights they have declared.


Article 11

When the Beneficiaries' Meeting is held in writing, unless otherwise stipulated in the Trust Agreement, the methods of exercising voting rights and the criteria for the validity of ballots shall be as follows:

1. Beneficiaries shall submit or send their written documents (including voting ballots) to the Convener or its designated agent before the time specified in the meeting notice. Late submissions will not be counted toward the total voting rights of attendees.

2. In the event of multiple submissions of valid written documents (including voting ballots) by a beneficiary, the one received first shall prevail.

3. A voting ballot will be deemed invalid in any of the following circumstances, and the beneficiary shall not be considered as having attended the Beneficiaries' Meeting: 

(1) The beneficiary fails to affix its seal or signature.

(2) The document (including voting ballots) used is not issued by the Convener.

4. A ballot shall be deemed invalid if any of the following circumstances occur in the resolution indication section ; however, the beneficiary shall still be recognized as having attended the beneficiaries' meeting and counted in the quorum:

(1) All items in the voting matters column for the same proposal are indicated with "".

(2) All items in the voting matters column for the same proposal are left unmarked (i.e., no "" is indicated).

(3) There are alterations in the voting matters column that are not signed or sealed by the beneficiary at the area of alteration.

(4) The beneficiary fails to mark a "" in the  or uses a symbol other than a "".

(5) The ballot is dirty or torn to the extent that the indication cannot be discerned.

5. The counting and verification of ballots for the Beneficiaries' Meeting shall be carried out by personnel designated by the Convener, who shall record the indications and the number of voting rights in the beneficiaries' registry. Once all records are completed, the statistical results shall be announced on-site at the Beneficiaries' Meeting and reported to the supervising personnel for reference.

6. The counting, verification, and statistical results of the voting at the Beneficiaries' Meeting shall be supervised by personnel designated by the Convener. The supervising personnel shall oversee the following matters:

(1) Monitoring the ballot counting and verification process for any violations of laws or regulations.

(2) Monitoring the counting, verification, and statistical results.

(3) Other necessary matters related to the supervision of counting, verification, and the announcement of results.

7. The determination of the validity of beneficiaries' votes and the criteria for recognizing other circumstances as valid or invalid shall be made independently by the supervising personnel in accordance with the aforementioned provisions. If there are multiple supervising personnel, the shall make a joint determination. 

8. If a beneficiary wishes to verify its ballot, an individual beneficiary must bring their original identification card, while a corporate certificate to the Convener or its designated representative before the conclusion of the Beneficiaries' Meeting.


Chapter 4. Meeting Rules

Article 12

Unless otherwise stipulated in the Trust Agreement, the Beneficiaries' Meeting shall not convene unless either more than half of the beneficiaries who have declared their rights are present or the proportion of beneficial rights represented by the attending beneficiaries exceeds half of the total declared rights.


Article 13

The chairman of the Beneficiaries' Meeting shall be designated by the Convener. In the event that the Convener is unable or fails to make the designation, the attending beneficiaries shall elect a chairman from among themselves.


Article 14

Significant proposals at the Beneficiaries' Meeting may not be proposed as extemporary motions.

Unless otherwise stipulated in the Trust Agreement, the scope of such significant proposals includes the resignation or dismissal of the Trustee and adjustments to its remuneration ; the appointment of a new Trustee ; changes to the management methods of the Trust Property ; and amendments to or termination of the Trust Agreement.


Chapter 5. Miscellaneous

Article 15

The resolutions of the Beneficiaries' Meeting shall be recorded in minutes, which shall be signed or sealed by the chairman. The Convener shall distribute the minutes to the known beneficiaries and other persons required to be notified by applicable laws or under the Trust Agreement within thirty days after the meeting.

The preparation and distribution of the minutes may be conducted electronically, provided that the persons to be notified give their written consent, and the Convener shall retain a complete record of the delivery. The minutes shall include the year, month, day, location of the meeting, name of the chairman, method of resolution, a summary of the proceedings, and the results. The minutes shall be retained by the Trustee for at least one year after the termination of the trust relationship. For Beneficiaries' Meeting held in person, the attendance register, notice of attendance, and power of attorney of attending the meeting shall be preserved by the Trustee for at least one year. For Beneficiaries' Meeting held in writing, the register of the beneficiaries who returned written documents (including voting ballots) shall be kept. If any interested parties initiate litigation concerning the resolutions of the Beneficiaries' Meeting, the documents required to be preserved under this Article shall be maintained until the litigation concludes. 


Article 16

The resolutions of the Beneficiaries' Meeting shall be executed by the individual designated by the Beneficiaries' Meeting. The designated individual shall be deemed to be authorized by all beneficiaries to execute the resolutions and represent the beneficiaries in any litigation or non-litigation matters related to the resolution. 


Article 17

These Meeting Guidelines are written in both Chinese and English. In the event of any conflict or inconsistency between the two versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.