非LINE Pay會員信用卡服務條款

本「非LINE Pay會員信用卡服務條款」(下稱「本合約」)為連加網路商業股份有限公司(統一編號:24941093,代表人:高永受(YoungSu Ko)),係依中華民國法律設立之公司,公司所在地位於臺北市內湖區洲子街105號9樓(下稱「連加網路公司」),與任何使用者(下稱「使用者」或「您」)間之合約,以約定連加網路公司提供非LINE Pay會員信用卡服務(下稱「NMCC」)。如NMCC係由任何LINE關聯企業提供,本合約應構成該LINE關聯企業與各使用者間之合約。本合約中所稱「本公司」或「我們」應指連加網路公司或LINE關聯企業,依其前後文而定。

1. NMCC讓使用者得就其在平台業者經營之平台上進行之商品及服務交易,使用信用卡或借記卡(debit card)(以下合稱「信用卡片」)進行一次性付款,而毋須登入或註冊LINE Pay帳戶。於提供NMCC時,本公司僅為付款服務提供者,各使用者於填寫完畢各相關付款或結帳流程所要求之必要資訊,並按下確認鍵(例如「付款」或「繼續」鍵)後,將得透過NMCC寄出付款請求。於您每次透過LINE NMCC付款及結帳界面,以本合約所述之方式送出付款請求時,您:

(a) 接受並同意受本合約及其後修訂及修改之拘束;
(b) 同意並核可本公司、其代表人、代理人及提供相關服務予本公司之第三人,得為提供您NMCC服務,及/或LINE Pay隱私權政策所訂之任何其他目的,蒐集、使用,並彼此揭露及分享您的個人資訊(定義如LINE Pay隱私權政策):且
(c) 授權本公司確認您的信用卡片,並於確認成功後,從您的信用卡片收取您使用NMCC服務付款之相關商品及服務的交易金額。自您的信用卡片發卡行收受該等交易金額後,本公司將會將該筆交易金額匯至您指示得收取該交易金額之平台業者之銀行帳戶。

2. 您同意一旦您以上述第1條所述方式提交付款請求後,您將不得撤銷該付款請求,亦不得撤回您透過NMCC就本公司執行該付款請求所為之同意及授權。但如您的資金來源並無足夠的資金,或我們無法確認您的信用卡片,則我們將無義務執行您的付款請求。透過NMCC收取之交易金額,均應以新臺幣結付。

3. 如您懷疑或發現(a)有任何未經您同意、使用您信用卡片之未授權付款請求,透過NMCC寄出;或(b)非因您的錯誤而有使用您信用卡片錯誤付款之情事,您必須立即填寫問題反應表(https://contact-cc.line.me/serviceId/10712),以通知本公司。當本公司知悉上述任一情形發生時,本公司應立即通知使用者該情事(但如本公司業經使用者通知該事項時,本公司毋須通知使用者),並暫停來自於該使用者之任何付款請求。本公司完成暫停付款程序後所生之任何損失,應由本公司負擔。如在該暫停付款前發生任何損失,在下述任一情形,該損失應由使用者自行負擔:

(a) 使用者未妥善保管使用NMCC之付款請求。
(b) 使用者未依本公司所提供之安全機制使用NMCC。
(c) 任何其他因使用者之故意或重大過失所致之事由。

4. 如我們認定我們造成任何處理程序上的錯誤,我們將會採取措施,以調查並更正該等錯誤。其次,如有任何可歸責於我們的事由而發生支付錯誤時,我們應得於知悉時更正該錯誤,並於我們知悉該錯誤付款時,以雙方同意之方式通知您。如因可歸責於您之事由而發生錯誤付款時,我們將會協助您處理該錯誤付款;但您不得向本公司進行任何追索。您唯一的追索方式為,聯繫使用NMCC給付款項之平台業者,並請求平台業者退款。本公司不會代墊該退款予您,亦不會回復您錯誤給付之款項。如支付錯誤係因不可歸責於任一方之事由所致者,我們將會協助您更正該錯誤,並提供您其他必要協助。

5. 本公司並非使用者與平台業者間商品及服務買賣交易之當事人。使用者與平台業者間之關係,在於商品及服務之銷售與提供有關之權利及義務、交易方法與條件、系爭商品及服務之品質,以及交易之履行或不履行(包括但不限於拒絕履行、延遲、未交付、瑕疵、錯誤、商品及服務之退換貨及退款)等面向上,均僅存在於使用者與平台業者間,且使用者與平台業者間有關上述事項之所有爭議,應向相關平台業者(而非本公司)提出。所有與該等交易有關之權利、義務及責任均應由使用者與平台業者依照適用的法律、法規及其間之協議條款執行、履行及負擔。本公司提供NMCC,不應構成本公司就履行任何該等交易所為之明示或默示保證或承諾。

6. 就第三人破解本公司資訊系統之保護措施或利用資訊系統之漏洞爭議,應由本公司就該事實不存在負舉證責任。就第三人入侵本公司之資訊系統對使用者所造成之損失或損害,應由本公司賠償,但如該入侵係因可歸責於使用者之事由所生者,本公司不應就此負擔賠償責任

7. 除本合約另有定義或另表明者外(或本合約上下文所需外),所有本合約大寫之用語,應與其在LINE Pay一般服務條款(下稱「一般條款」,其內容可參見[https://terms2.line.me/linepay_TW_TermsofUse/sp?lang=zh-Hant])之意義相同。LINE Pay隱私權政策及一般條款中之下述條款,應在所得適用之範圍內,納入本合約中:第4.7條有關獨立銀行帳戶之規定;第4.11條有關使用者違法使用本公司所提供之服務時,本公司有權採取之行動之規定;第7條有關禁止行為之規定;第10條有關資訊安全之規定;第11.1條至第11.7條及第11.9條有關於無保證及責任限制之規定(特別是排除本公司提供NMCC所生之相關責任之規定);第12條有關服務之暫停或中斷之規定;及第16.2條至第16.10條有關其他及一般條款之規定;以及上開規定之修正內容,但上開條款述及「本條款」之處,應由「本合約」取代,且任何提及「本服務」之處,應由「NMCC」取代。

8. 本合約及您與本公司間之關係,應以中華民國法律為準據法。




LINE Pay Non-Member Credit Card Service Terms and Conditions 

The LINE Pay Non-Member Credit Card Service Terms and Conditions (the "Agreement") is a contract between LINE BIZ+ Taiwan Limited (ROC Uniform Number: 24941093; Representative: 高永受(YoungSu Ko)) a company incorporated under the laws of the Republic of China, with its registered office at 9F, No. 105, Zhouzi St., Neihu Dist., Taipei, Taiwan ("LINE BIZ+ Taiwan") and any user (hereby referred to as "User" or "you") for the former's provision of the LINE Pay Non-Member Credit Card Service ("NMCC"). In the event that the NMCC is provided by any LINE Affiliate, then the Agreement shall constitute a contract between such LINE Affiliate and each User. The reference to "Company" or "we" shall be read as a reference to LINE BIZ+ Taiwan or the LINE Affiliate as the case may be. 

1. The NMCC enables Users to make a one-time payment using their credit card or debit card (collectively, "Credit Card") for transactions of Goods and Services conducted on any of the Platforms operated by Platform Operators, without Users having to log on to or register for a LINE Pay Account. In providing the NMCC, the Company operates solely as a payment service provider. Each User is able to send a payment order via the NMCC by completing all mandatory fields of information as requested in the relevant payment or checkout flows and clicking the respective payment button (for example "pay" or "continue"). Each time you send a payment order in the manner described herein via LINE's NMCC payment and checkout interface, you:
(a) accept and agree to be bound by this Agreement as well as any subsequent revisions and amendments hereto; 
(b) agree and consent to the Company, its representatives, agents and third parties providing services to it collecting, using and disclosing and sharing amongst themselves your Personal Information (as defined in the LINE Pay Privacy Policy) for the purposes of providing you the NMCC, and/or any other purposes described in the LINE Pay Privacy Policy; and
(c) authorise the Company to validate your Credit Card and upon such successful validation, charge your Credit Card for the relevant Transaction Amounts for the Goods and Services which you have used the NMCC service to effect payment for. Upon receiving such Transaction Amounts from your Credit Card issuing bank, the Company will then credit the same Transaction Amounts to the bank account of the Platform Operator which you have indicated as the recipient of the Transaction Amounts. 

2. You agree that once you submit a payment order in the manner described in clause 1 above, you may not revoke it or otherwise withdraw your consent and authorisation to our execution of your payment order sent via the NMCC. However, we have no obligation to execute your payment order if you do not have sufficient funds in your funding source or if we are unable to validate your Credit Card. Settlement and payment of Transaction Amounts collected through the NMCC shall be made in New Taiwan Dollars. 

3. If you suspect or discover that (a) unauthorised payment orders have been sent via NMCC using your Credit Card without your permission, or (b) erroneous payments have been made with your Credit Card not due to errors made by you, you must notify the Company immediately by filling up the Problem Report Form accessible at https://contact-cc.line.me/serviceId/10712. . As soon as the Company becomes aware either of the foregoing circumstances occur, the Company shall notify the User of such matter (provided that the Company need not notify the User if the Company is notified by the User of such matter), and suspend any payment order from such User. Any loss incurred after the Company completes the procedure for suspending the payment order shall be borne by the Company. If any loss incurred before such suspension, such loss shall be solely borne by the User under any of the following circumstances: 
(a) The User fails to properly safeguard the payment order for NMCC.
(b) The User fails to use NMCC in accordance with the security mechanism provided by the Company. 
(c) Any other circumstance owing to the User's intentional conduct or gross negligence.

4. If we determine that there has been a processing error made by us, we will take steps to investigate and rectify any such error. In addition, if an erroneous payment is made for any cause attributable to us, we shall be entitled to reverse the error payments that we discover, and notify you of the same by the means agreed by both parties, as soon as the erroneous payment is known to us.  If any erroneous payments are due to errors made by you, we will assist you in handling such erroneous payments; provided that you will not have any recourse against us.  Despite the foregoing, your only recourse will be to contact the Platform Operator to whom you have used the NMCC to make payment to and ask them to refund the payment. The Company will not reimburse you or reverse a payment that you have made in error. If an error payment is made for any cause not attributable to you or us, we will assist you in rectifying such error and provide you with other necessary assistance.  

5. The User agrees that the Company is not a party to the transaction for sale and purchase of Goods and Services between the User and the Platform Operator(s). The relationship between the User and the Platform Operator(s) in terms of the rights and obligations in connection with the sale and provision of the Goods and Services which are the subjects of such transactions, the transaction methods and terms, the quality of the goods and services in question, and performance or non-performance of the transactions (including but not limited to refusal to perform, delay, non-delivery, defects, errors, return or replacement of goods and services, and refund) exist only between the User and the Platform Operator(s) and all disputes relating to the same between the User and the Platform Operator(s) should be referred to the relevant Platform Operator(s) and not the Company. All rights, obligations and liabilities with respect to such transactions shall be exercised, fulfilled and borne by the User and the Platform Operator(s) in accordance to the applicable laws and regulations and the terms of their agreements. The Company's provision of the NMCC shall not constitute an explicit or implied warranty or undertaking by the Company for the performance of any of such transactions. 

6. If any disputes arise from a third party's bypassing of the measures and mechanism for protecting the Company's information system or using loopholes in such information system, the Company shall bear the burden of proving that the aforementioned circumstances do not exist. The Company shall indemnify the User against any loss or damage arising out of a third party's hacking into the Company's information system, provided that the Company shall not be held liable if such hacking is attributable to the User.  

7. Unless otherwise defined or indicated in this Agreement (or where the context otherwise requires), all capitalised terms used in this Agreement shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the LINE Pay General Terms of Service ("General ToS") which may be accessed at [https://terms2.line.me/linepay_TW_TermsofUse/sp?lang=zh-Hant]. This Agreement shall also incorporate mutatis mutandis, and to the extent applicable, the LINE Pay Privacy Policy as well as the following clauses found in the General ToS: clause 4.7 on the independent bank account; clause 4.11 highlighting the Company's rights of action when Users make use of its services in an illegal fashion; clause 7 on Prohibited Activities; clause 10 on Information Security; clauses 11.1 to 11.7 and 11.9 on No Warranties and Limitation of Liability which inter alia seeks to exclude the Company's liabilities in its provision of the NMCC; clause 12 on Suspension or Interruption of Service; and clauses 16.2 to 16.10 under Miscellaneous and General Terms, as may be amended from time to time, save that all references to "Terms" shall be replaced with a reference to "Agreement" and all references to "Services" shall be replaced with a reference to "NMCC". 

8. This Agreement and the relationship between you and the Company shall be governed by laws of the Republic of China.

The Company's goal is to learn about and address your concerns and, should the Company be unable to do so to your satisfaction, to provide you with a neutral and cost effective means of resolving the dispute quickly. If a dispute arises between you and the Company regarding NMCC, such dispute may be reported to Customer Service online through: 

the Company's Weblink for Consumer Dispute Resolution and Complaint (Customer Service):
Website: https://contact-cc.line.me/serviceId/10712
Customer Service Hotline: 02-6631-5166
Customer Service Hours: 09:00~18:00 (365 days)
For complaints that cannot be resolved otherwise, you shall submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Taipei, Republic of China.