LINE Pay Privacy Policy Addendum for Platform Operators

To support the Electronic Payment services, the Electronic Stored Value Cards services and other related services (collectively, “Service”), provided by iPASS Corporation Limited (“Company”) as the service provider, LINE Pay Taiwan Limited (“LINE Pay,” “we,” “us,” or “our”) has adopted this Addendum to LINE Pay Privacy Policy for Platform Operators to explain our handling of the additional information obtained, used, or shared by LINE Pay. This addendum supplements the provisions of LINE Pay Privacy Policy for Platform Operators (, which remain in effect and apply equally to the additional items of information described in this Addendum.

Information Shared by LINE Pay to Company
You agree that in order to provide and facilitate our Service, to provide customer support with respect to our Service, and to prevent unauthorized use of our Service, LINE Pay may provide following personal information to Company for using the Services: Personnel’s name, date of birth, identification number, address, telephone number, email address, bank account information, and/or other personal information that is required for Company to review the Platform Operator's application for the Services and provide the Services and may directly or indirectly identify the identity of the Personnel (collectively, the "Personal Information").

When the Platform Operators submit a correction request to LINE Pay requesting that LINE Pay updates your personal information in our records according to the information submitted, LINE Pay collects such personal information for the purpose of updating our records. LINE Pay also automatically shares such personal information with Company for the purpose of updating Company’s records, so as to provide Company’s services and to ensure a seamless user experience.

Information Shared by Company to LINE Pay
Please refer to the Company’s Privacy Policy ( on the information shared by Company to LINE Pay.

Changes to the LINE Pay Privacy Policy Addendum for Platform Operators
We may amend the LINE Pay Privacy Policy Addendum for Platform Operators from time to time to reflect changes to the Service (including the arrangements between the LINE Pay and iPASS related thereto) and relevant law and regulation.

This version of the LINE Pay Privacy Policy Addendum for Platform Operators was updated on June 19, 2020.

We will let you know when we make any important changes to the LINE Pay Privacy Policy Addendum for Platform Operators via LINE Pay's homepage or by other reasonable means.
You can always access LINE Pay Privacy Policy Addendum for Platform Operators directly on our website provided for Platform Operators.