Fees Policy

In accordance with Article 9.2 (Collection of fees for using MyShop service) and 9.3 (Collection of fees for using the Payment Service System) of MyShop Terms and Conditions of Use (For Seller), and Payment Service System Terms and Conditions of Service, we, will proceed to collect the fees in each type.

In this regard, the fee will be charged only for orders that are completed and this delivery status is ‘Mark as Shipped’. Further, the fee will be calculated as a percentage (%) of the amount that the buyer must make a payment before deduction of LINE POINTS (if any) as detailed hereunder.

Type of Fees Description Fee Rate
Transaction Fee from the usage of the Payment Service System The fee will be collected when the Purchaser buys a goods/merchandise via LINE SHOPPING platform and makes a payment via the Payment Service System (i.e., credit card / debit card, LINE Pay, mobile banking, or others). 3%
Service Fee from the usage of MyShop

(1) The fee will be charged for orders placed by accessing through LINE SHOPPING platform, channel, or other media promoted by LINE SHOPPING, whereby the buyer adds any of the seller’s goods/merchandise to the cart from such link or media within 7 (seven) days.

Various channels or media of LINE SHOPPING include but not limited to the access of the seller’s shop and the seller’s product in LINE SHOPPING through several channels of LINE application, by entering the LINE SHOPPING platform on various pages (such as LINE SHOPPING Home Page, searching menu bar, Event Page, Live Hall Page, Gift Zone Page, or Wow Items Page), as well as through other media via LINE application or media managed by LINE SHOPPING.

(2) The fee will be charged when LINE SHOPPING conducts promotional and marketing activities that provide benefits to buyers, such as LINE POINTS or various discount coupons sponsored by LINE SHOPPING.

(3) The fee will be charged for orders made when the Seller uses LIVE feature through LINE SHOPPING LIVE application (effective date from 6 December 2023 onwards).

(4) However, we will waive a service fee for orders resulting from promotional or marketing activities organized by the seller (which does not meet the conditions in Article (1), (2), and (3)), including orders that are made via a chat room of LINE application or orders that the seller do the self-advertisement or sends a seller’s shop or product link (shop.line.me/@shopbasicid) to the buyer, unless the order is made within 7 days after the buyer adds one of the goods/merchandise from the seller's store to the cart through various channels or media of LINE SHOPPING. (either adding before or after the self-promotion by the seller and regardless of whether the buyer has removed the goods/merchandise from the cart or not).

Please note that should there be a cancellation or change in rate of the collection of such fee, the notice will be served to the seller in advance according to the applicable law. In addition, the delivery cost that the buyer has chosen LINE MAN Messenger as the delivery service method in LINE SHOPPING, or the amount of money from various discount coupons sponsored by the seller will not be taken into the calculation of the service fee.

Sellers can learn more details here.


The aforementioned rate is exclusive of Value Added Tax (VAT) at the rate of 7% where the company will charge it to the seller.

Calculation Method

Fee Calculation Table Value (THB)
Product Value 500.00
Discount Value from the Seller's Coupon


Selling Price (500-50)


Discount Value from LINE SHOPPING Coupon


Sale Price after Deducting Discount from LINE SHOPPING Coupon


Shipping Fee


Shipping Fee Discount Value from the Seller’s Coupon


Sale Price after Deducting Shipping Fee Discount from the Seller’s Coupon ((400+40)-10)


LINE POINTS Redemption Value (if any)


Sum Payable by the Purchaser (400+30-200)


Transaction Fee 3% ((290+200) x 3%)


Service Fee 3% ((290+200) x 3%)


Value Added Tax (VAT) 7%  ((12.90+14.40) x 7%)


Total Fee (Inclusive of VAT) (12.90 + 14.40 + 1.91)


Value Receivable by the Seller ((230+200++50)-29.21)


For Sellers Who Must Submit 3% Withholding Tax Value (THB)
3% Transaction Fee (Excluding 7% VAT)


3% Service Fee (Excluding 7% VAT)


3% Withholding Tax


Remark: Any fee incurred after including VAT will have 2 (two) decimals. In this regard, we will round up the third decimal if the total amount is greater than or equal to 0.0050 and will round down if the amount is less than 0.0050.

Date of Promulgation: 1 September 2023

Date of 1st Amendment: 16 October 2023

Effective Date of 1st Amendment: 15 November 2023 (for the collection of the service fee only, where the collection of the transaction fee will have full force and effect as of the promulgation date or the amendment date)

Date of 2nd Amendment: 15 November 2023
Date of 3rd Amendment: 10 September 2024