
本LINE Pay一般服務條款(下稱「本條款」)為連加網路商業股份有限公司(統一編號:24941093,代表人:丁雄注(WoongJu Jeong),係依照中華民國法律設立登記之公司,公司所在地位於臺北市中山區敬業一路2號13樓,下稱「連加網路公司」),與使用者(下稱「使用者」或「您」)(合約當事人以下合稱「雙方」,各稱「一方(當事人)」)間之合約,以約定連加網路公司提供LINE Pay服務或其任何一部(下稱「本服務」)予使用者,以供使用者隨時就於線上及實體銷售平台(下稱「平台」)所進行之交易進行付款,且該平台係指由本公司隨時同意之平台業者(下稱「平台業者」)或本公司(擔任銷售方時)及指定之商業合作夥伴(本公司及商業合作夥伴合稱「商業夥伴」)所經營。如本服務係由任何連加網路公司之關聯企業(下稱「LY關聯企業」)提供,本條款應構成LY關聯企業與各使用者間之合約,且LY關聯企業應負責依照本條款之約定提供本服務。本條款中所稱「本公司」或「我們」應指連加網路公司或LY關聯企業,依其前後文而定。



如使用者違反本條款,包括本政策或任何使用者與本公司間成立之其他協議,本公司得停止、暫停或限制使用者登入其LINE Pay帳戶及/或使用本服務。


1. 服務範圍

1.1 本公司為支付服務提供者(或在商業夥伴交易(定義如第4.6條)之情形,僅為支付資訊服務提供者),透過網際網路建立、主辦、維持及提供本服務予使用者。本公司之本服務允許依照下述本條款第2條成功註冊LINE Pay帳戶之使用者,得使用信用卡及其他本公司隨時採用之支付方法(包括簽帳金融卡(debit card))(下稱「信用卡」),就其於平台購買之商品、服務及/或數位內容(下稱「商品及服務」)及/或使用LINE POINTS折抵服務進行線上付款。「LINE POINTS」係指本公司所發行且由使用者依指定方式所無償取得之虛擬點數,LINE POINTS之使用方式、使用規則及折抵服務等事項,將依本公司所制定與公布之所有使用條款與準則而適用之。

1.2 本服務提供之範圍於各個國家有所不同。就於您所居住之國家適用的本服務範圍,詳見本網站。

1.3 本公司並非匯款業者或轉帳服務提供者,於任何情形,使用者不得利用本公司提供之本服務,匯款非為支付於平台交易之商品及服務之對價予第三人。

1.4 本公司對商品及服務無控制權,且對以本服務完成支付之商品及服務不負責。本公司無法確保與使用者交易之平台業者或商業夥伴會實際完成交易。

1.5 使用者使用本服務,得依本公司之相關規定取得一定數量之LINE POINTS,由於使用者依前述規定方式取得LINE POINTS亦為本服務之一部份,使用者如使用本服務,即視為已同意本公司得在使用者依前述規定方式取得LINE POINTS之目的範圍內,蒐集、處理、利用使用者之LINE帳號以及相關資訊。

1.6 關於 LINE POINTS 之使用,除本條款外,亦適用LINE POINTS 使用條款與條件(https://terms2.line.me/pointclub_point_terms?lang=zh-Hant),二者若有矛盾或抵觸之處,就該抵觸部分,應優先適用LINE POINTS 使用條款與條件。


1.7 有關LINE POINTS 之詳細規定與常見問題可依下列所載方式進行查閱:
常見問題:LINE POINTS > 設定 > 常見問題 

2. LINE Pay帳戶與服務之接近取得

2.1 使用者第一次使用本服務前,必須以本公司指定之行動應用軟體或本公司隨時指定之其他方式,於線上申請並註冊LINE Pay帳戶,並表明其就約束使用本服務之所有條款與條件之同意。使用者亦應依照本條款第3條之規定提供本公司合理指定或要求之資訊予本公司。使用者必須依照本公司隨時指定之驗證程序驗證及確認其身分。為使本公司得提供本服務,使用者必須提供特定資訊予本公司,本公司亦得要求使用者依照本條款及隱私權政策(如適用)驗證及確認其身分。

2.2 本公司得自行決定是否讓使用者接近取得本服務或本服務之可利用性,並保留於使用者申請LINE Pay帳戶以接近取得/使用本服務時,接受或拒絕使用者申請之權利。使用者瞭解並同意,本公司得基於任何理由(包含但不限於下述情形),依情況隨時終止本條款、暫停或取消使用者之LINE Pay帳戶、提供予使用者之本服務或其任何一部,或採取任何其他必要或適當之措施,而毋須事前通知使用者:

2.2.1 本公司無法透過使用者之電話號碼、地址或其他本公司要求,經使用者於註冊使用LINE Pay帳戶時,提供與本公司之聯繫資訊(下稱「聯繫資訊」),與使用者取得聯繫;

2.2.2 使用者無足夠資金、陷入無清償能力或無法支付於平台購買商品及服務而對平台業者或商業夥伴應付之款項;

2.2.3 使用者依中華民國破產法或任何其他適用的破產法被宣告破產;

2.2.4 使用者依照任何適用的法律欠缺締約之法律能力;

2.2.5 有紀錄顯示本公司曾因使用者違反本條款而暫停其使用本服務;或

2.2.6 使用者從事任何本條款下述第7.1條所訂之禁止活動,或有從事該等活動之嫌疑。

2.3 使用者同意,因本公司依上述第2.2條行使權利所採取之措施,致使用者遭受任何損失或損害,本公司就該等損失或損害概不負責。 

2.4 為確認使用者無上述第2.2條所規定之情形,本公司得要求使用者提供相關文件或資訊。於該確認程序完成前,本公司得拒絕提供本服務予使用者。本公司不應就使用者因此所受之任何損失或損害負責。

3. 帳號及密碼管理

3.1 使用者註冊LINE Pay帳戶時,經本公司隨時要求,應提供所有必要資訊(包括聯繫資訊)予本公司,以完整使用本服務之內容及功能。

3.1.1 聯絡資訊。使用者應持續更新其聯繫資訊,以使本公司得與使用者聯繫。使用者瞭解並同意,如本公司以電子方式寄送任何LINE Pay帳戶或交易資訊,包括(i)任何使用者同意之本政策,包括本政策之更新,及(ii)年度揭露事項、交易收據或確認(以下合稱「訊息」),但使用者因登記之聯繫資訊不正確、過期,或基於其他原因致使用者無法收受電子訊息而未收到該訊息,且無法收到訊息係不可歸責於本公司之事由所造成,本公司將被視為已提供訊息予使用者。使用者使用過濾設備阻擋電子訊息、通知或其他形式之電子訊息,或改變其路徑時,使用者應修改過濾設備之設定,以收受本公司寄出之訊息。

使用者得隨時登入本網站,以更新其聯繫資訊。如使用者之聯繫資訊變為無效,致本公司寄送予使用者之訊息無法送達,使用者的LINE Pay帳戶將被視為未啟用,且於本公司自使用者收到其他有效之聯繫資訊前,使用者將無法使用LINE Pay帳戶進行任何交易。 

3.1.2 身分驗證。使用者授權本公司直接或透過第三人詢問本公司認為必要之問題,以確認使用者之身分。此包含要求使用者:
(a) 提供進一步資訊或文件;
(b) 提供稅籍編號或國民身分證號碼;
(c) 採取行動以確認使用者之聯繫資訊或金融票據之所有權,或提供徵信報告;或
(d) 藉由第三人之資料庫或其他資源驗證其資訊。

3.2 使用者茲此保證與聲明,所有其提供予本公司之資訊均為正確且最新。如使用者提供予本公司之任何資訊已過時,使用者應迅速更新該資訊。如使用者未能依本公司指定之方式及時提供或更新資訊,或已提供之資訊不正確或不實,本公司得不經事前通知,拒絕或暫停提供本服務之全部或一部予使用者,及/或終止本條款。

3.3 使用者茲此保證及聲明,其為以其姓名註冊之LINE Pay帳戶之權益擁有人,並僅以其名義使用本服務以付款。為避免疑義,禁止使用者以他人之姓名註冊。

3.4 使用者應遵守本公司就建立使用者身分及密碼(下稱「密碼」)所訂定之方法及程序,該等使用者身分及密碼係為接近取得及/或使用本服務之目的而設。使用者得以其密碼(或其他本公司隨時允許使用之其他方式)登入其個別的LINE Pay帳戶,以接近取得及使用本服務。各使用者瞭解其密碼為機密,應僅得供其用於註冊及登入LINE Pay帳戶,以接近取得及使用本服務。使用者不應揭露、讓與或將其密碼提供予任何第三人,供第三人有償或無償使用。

3.5 使用者應保存密碼,以應有之注意及謹慎予以保密,並防止他人未經授權而使用。任何故意或非故意違反前述保密義務之行為或疏失,應致使使用者就本公司因該違反所致之所有損失及損害負責。所有使用者LINE Pay帳戶之活動,應被認為是持有該LINE Pay帳戶之使用者之活動。

4. 關於本服務

4.1 除另經本公司允許,為登入LINE Pay帳戶及/或接近取得本服務,使用者必須使用密碼。其後,使用者得請求使用本服務,以就其與平台業者間,或使用者與商業夥伴間(透過本公司所提供有限的信用卡支付資訊傳輸服務服務)之商品及服務交易所生之應付款項(下稱「交易金額」)進行信用卡付款及/或使用LINE POINTS折抵服務(下稱「付款請求」)。透過前述付款請求,本公司或商業夥伴經使用者授權(但本公司或商業夥伴並無義務)依照本條款,以使用者之信用卡及/或使用LINE POINTS折抵服務進行交易金額之付款。於選擇增加信用卡或使用LINE POINTS折抵作為付款方式時,使用者即確認其提供本公司繼續之授權,自動以該信用卡付款或LINE POINTS以取得相關資金,以依照付款請求進行付款。為避免疑義,為停止任何繼續授權,使用者得自LINE Pay帳戶資訊,移除以該信用卡或使用LINE POINTS折抵服務作為付款方式。使用者同意遵守本公司就使用本服務所得要求之任何安全或其他認證程序。

4.2 於依照付款請求就交易金額進行付款前,本服務得依照您所居住之國家所得使用之本服務範圍,提供使用者再確認機制,要求使用者透過該再確認機制驗證付款請求。為避免疑義,就提出付款請求及/或再驗證付款請求之人的身分或權限,以及該付款請求之真實性,本公司均不應負任何查證義務。就本公司真實相信其為使用者所提出(或所可能提出)之付款請求,本公司不就信賴該付款請求或以誠信依該付款請求行動之人負責,不論提出該付款請求時之主要情事、安排之性質、依照該等付款請求所為之服務或交易,或所涉及之金額為何,亦不論該等付款請求是否有任何錯誤、誤解、詐欺、偽造、不清楚或欠缺授權。

4.3 為避免疑義,本公司並非使用者與平台業者或商業夥伴間商品及服務買賣交易之當事人。使用者與平台業者或商業夥伴間之關係,在與該交易商品及服務之銷售與提供有關之權利及義務、交易方法與條件、交易之履行或不履行(包括但不限於拒絕履行、延遲、未交付、瑕疵、錯誤、商品及服務之退換貨及退款)之方面,均僅存在於使用者與平台業者或商業夥伴(視個案情況而定)間。所有與該等交易有關之權利、義務及責任均應由使用者與平台業者,或使用者與商業夥伴(視個案情況而定),依照適用的法律、法規及其間之協議條款執行、履行及負擔。本公司提供本服務,不應構成本公司就履行任何該等交易所為之明示或默示保證或承諾。

4.4 使用者得以付款請求,授權本公司代表其支付使用者與平台業者間,因買賣商品及服務產生之交易金額,或授權本公司傳輸前述買賣交易之信用卡支付資訊(透過本公司有限的信用卡支付資訊傳輸服務)或處理LINE POINTS折抵服務(依其適用之情形)。使用者與平台業者、或使用者透過本公司所提供有限之信用卡支付資訊傳輸服務或使用LINE POINTS折抵服務與商業夥伴間之交易不應違反任何法律、法規或公序良俗。

4.5 為避免疑義,本公司接受使用者之付款請求,以信用卡線上付款方式向平台業者支付交易金額時,或使用者透過本公司有限的信用卡支付資訊傳輸服務向商業夥伴支付交易金額,或使用LINE POINTS折抵服務時,本公司並非以(亦不代表)銀行或金融機構之身分為之,本公司提供之本服務亦不構成金融服務之提供。本公司並非藉由提供本服務對使用者提供直接金融轉帳服務。本公司所收取之交易金額並非存款,故本公司無須支付任何關於交易金額之利息或孳息。

4.6 本公司應於收受付款請求及依上述第4.2條就付款請求進行再確認後,向平台業者支付交易金額。為避免疑義,鑒於本公司僅提供有限的信用卡支付資訊傳輸服務,且不涉及因使用者與商業夥伴間之交易(下稱「商業夥伴交易」)所生之付款請求相關之金流,本第4.6條規定不適用於商業夥伴交易,但與本公司合作之銀行或金融機構經主管機關核准,得代本公司處理使用LINE POINTS折抵服務所生的結算相關事項。使用者使用本服務所支付之款項均應以新臺幣結付,如以國外金融機構發行之信用卡支付而涉及任何匯率換算時,應適用其信用卡發卡機構約定時點之牌告匯率。

4.7 任何本公司自使用者收受之交易金額,均應存入本公司與國泰世華商業銀行股份有限公司(下稱 「國泰世華商業銀行」)簽訂之第三方支付業者代理收付款項信託契約(下稱 「信託契約」)所約定之信託專戶(定義如第16.12.1.2條),專款專用,且應與本公司之營運資金分開存放。除依使用者之付款請求,結算並支付使用者與平台業者間就商品及服務之交易金額、支付本服務之費用、及支付使用者應付之其他費用及賠償或應償還之款項外,本公司不會使用該特定獨立帳戶中之資金。本公司依法應對收取之交易金額建立保護措施。為避免疑義,鑒於本公司僅提供有限的信用卡支付資訊傳輸服務,且不涉及因商業夥伴交易所生之付款請求相關之金流或提供LINE POINTS折抵服務,本第4.7條關於收受使用者之交易金額之規定不適用於商業夥伴交易,亦不適用於LINE POINTS折抵服務時,但與本公司合作之銀行或金融機構經主管機關核准,得代本公司處理使用LINE POINTS折抵服務所生的結算相關事項。

4.8 當本公司無法透過LINE訊息應用程式中使用者正式之訊息帳戶,通知使用者其使用本服務交易金額之付款時,本公司於完成付款後,將以其他本公司隨時決定之其他方式通知使用者交易金額之付款。有關交易金額付款之資訊應依本服務之系統紀錄為依據。網際網路為一可供公眾接觸之網絡,本公司無法控制或追蹤各服務提供者之作業規範或系統。因此,倘通知方式係透過網際網路,本公司將無法保證使用者可即時收到本公司透過網際網路所傳輸之訊息。

4.9 本服務之系統將自動記錄藉由本服務支付之款項及任何其他關於使用者使用本服務之資訊。已註冊LINE Pay帳戶之使用者,得登入其帳號查看該等紀錄。如使用者發現其LINE Pay帳戶中之數字,或任何其他相關紀錄或資訊有錯誤或其他可疑情形,應立即通知本公司。

4.10 使用者應依照本公司隨時所訂方法及程序使用本服務。如交易或使用者對平台業者之付款,或使用LINE POINTS折抵服務,或其透過本公司有限的信用卡支付資訊傳輸服務對商業夥伴之付款,係因使用者未能依照規定之方式或依照本條款及本政策使用本服務而未完成,本公司不就因此所生之任何損失或損害負責。

4.11 如使用者的交易有違反任何法律、法規或公序良俗、侵害第三人之權利或利益、違反適用的法律或法規要求、或違反任何主管機關或法院命令之虞,本公司得(i)停止、暫停或限制使用者登入其LINE Pay帳戶或接近取得本服務;(ii)拒絕提供本服務予使用者;(iii)終止本條款;(iv)於本公司尚未就所涉及之交易對平台業者支付交易金額時,將該交易金額保留一段其認為必要之期間,以使本公司或第三人免於責任風險;及/或(v)採取其他其所認為必要或適當之措施。使用者同意賠償本公司(a)因使用者違反本第4.11條規定;及(b)本公司依本第4.11條行使權利,所生或與其有關之任何損失或損害。

4.12 如使用者以違反本條款(包括本網站上所刊登之所有應適用之規範及本政策)之方式使用本服務,本公司得終止本條款及/或拒絕提供本服務之全部或一部予使用者;就使用者因此所生之任何損害或損失,本公司不負任何賠償責任。

4.13 因使用者之過失所生之損失或損害,應由使用者自行負責,包括但不限於使用者未遵循交易指示、未準時進行交易、遺忘密碼、或對密碼進行未經授權的揭露,及駭客入侵使用者LINE Pay帳戶或個人電子設備。

4.14 使用者與平台業者及/或商業夥伴於平台上交易所生之爭議,應由使用者自費解決,且使用者不得要求本公司代其處理相關爭議。惟,本公司為維持本服務正常營運而認為必要時,得自行決定介入處理爭議;且本公司得透過主管機關所訂定之消費爭議帳款處理機制,協助使用者與平台業者及/或商業夥伴間之上述爭議。

4.15. 如本公司依其獨立裁量,認定使用者使用本服務及/或本網站,或使用者之任何交易,構成或該當於本條款第7條所述之任何禁止行為,本公司得暫停對該使用者提供本服務之全部或一部、暫停履行本公司依本條款所負義務之全部或一部、取消或撤銷該使用者之交易、或採取所有本公司認為必要之措施(包括但不限於終止本條款或限制使用者得透過本服務支付之付款金額)。

4.16 使用者瞭解,任何透過本服務就商業夥伴交易所為之付款,本公司僅負責傳輸使用者以信用卡付款予商業夥伴所需之資訊,而不涉及任何與交易金額的給付相關之金流。使用者進一步瞭解,本公司將不就商業夥伴交易提供任何代收轉付服務。就商業夥伴交易而言,本條款僅在本公司於商業夥伴交易付款中所提供之上述有限服務的範圍內得以適用。

5. 交易取消

5.1 於本公司透過本服務將交易金額支付予平台業者後,如使用者及平台業者同意撤銷或取消交易,使用者應立即將該等情事通知本公司,並於本公司支付交易金額之日起60日內,請求信用卡線上止付該筆款項或撤回已折抵交易金額之LINE POINTS。如本公司同意並確認撤銷或取消交易,本公司應將代使用者支付之交易金額或LINE POINTS退還予使用者,惟該交易之撤銷或取消應經平台業者同意並確認或依法令要求為之。如使用者在本公司透過本服務支付交易金額予平台業者後60日後,始線上請求信用卡止付該筆款項或撤回已折抵交易金額之LINE POINTS時,本公司毋須撤銷或取消已支付之交易款項,但得以現金將本公司代使用者支付之信用卡交易金額退還予使用者 ,惟該現金退款應經平台業者同意並確認或依法令要求為之,但此一現金退款方式不得使用於LINE POINTS,而仍將採前述撤回已折抵交易金額之LINE POINTS之方式辦理。為避免疑義,鑒於本公司僅提供有限的信用卡支付資訊傳輸服務,而不涉及因商業夥伴交易所生之付款請求相關之金流,本第5.1條規定不適用於商業夥伴交易,但與本公司合作之銀行或金融機構經主管機關核准,得代本公司處理使用LINE POINTS折抵服務所生的結算相關事項。

6. 保留付款金額

6.1 如法院、政府機關、主管機關或平台業者依照應適用法令、本條款之任何條文或本服務爭議解決程序,要求本公司暫停支付任何款項予平台業者,或信用卡持有人透過其信用卡發卡機構(或收單機構)表示其拒絕支付交易金額,使用者同意,本公司得將相關款項暫存於第4.7條所稱之本公司獨立銀行帳戶,直至爭議解決為止。如系爭款項已撥付至平台業者之銀行帳戶,平台業者同意於收受本公司通知時返還該款項。於使用者與商業夥伴交易之情形,付款金額之保留,應依使用者與商業夥伴間之協議為之。

6.2 於依上述第6.1條保留之款項有關之爭議解決且經適當證據證明時,本公司應將相關款項返還予使用者或平台業者。於使用者與商業夥伴交易之情形,付款金額之保留,應依使用者與商業夥伴間之協議為之。

7. 禁止行為

7.1 就本網站之使用、使用者LINE Pay帳戶、本服務或於使用者與本公司、其他使用者、平台業者、商業夥伴或第三人互動時,使用者同意不從事以下行為(下稱「禁止行為」):

7.1.1 違反本條款或任何適用於本服務之本政策;

7.1.2 違反任何應適用之有管轄權之法令(包括任何反洗錢或反資助恐怖主義之法律或法令)、行政指示或措施、法院判決或主管機關決定;

7.1.3 危害公序良俗;

7.1.4 侵害本公司或第三人之權利;

7.1.5 以他人名義註冊LINE Pay帳戶;於本服務網頁未列舉之國家登入本服務;使用偽造、不正確或誤導之資訊註冊本服務、取得並使用多個LINE Pay帳戶;提供未經授權之使用者登入LINE Pay帳戶;使用其他使用者之LINE Pay帳戶登入本服務;

7.1.6 未取得必要或適當之相關授權、許可、認證、註冊或向相關主管機關申請,即使用本服務或進行商品及服務之交易,或其使用本服務或進行商品及服務之交易違反相關應適用之法律;

7.1.7 於任何詐騙或非法的平台上進行交易,或從事任何虛偽或虛假交易;

7.1.8 依相關法律不具備簽約所需之法律能力,但與本公司或任何平台業者或商業夥伴簽訂契約;

7.1.9 使用他人的LINE Pay帳戶或使用無效的或他人的金融機構帳號(包括信用卡帳號)於任何平台進行交易;

7.1.10 購買法律或國際信用卡組織禁止或限制之物品或服務,或進行任何非法交易或購買仿冒品;

7.1.11 意圖使用本服務進行本服務範圍外之交易;

7.1.12 損害本公司或第三人之名譽或信用,或阻礙本公司或第三人之營業活動;

7.1.13 干擾本服務之電腦伺服器或網路系統;

7.1.14 使用不適當之技術方法操控本服務;

7.1.15 複製、改造或公開傳輸本公司為提供本服務所使用之軟體、程式、資料庫及應用程式介面(API)(但不包括因使用本服務所需之公開傳輸),及使用逆向工程、拆解或其他方法以分析上開軟體、程式、資料庫及應用程式介面(API)。

7.1.16 為誹謗、交易中傷、威脅或騷擾之行為;

7.1.17 拒絕配合調查、確認身份或提供文件以佐證提供予本公司之資訊;

7.1.18 控制LINE Pay帳戶,該帳戶係與另一從事禁止行為之LINE Pay帳戶相連結; 


7.1.19 以會導致或可能導致本公司、其他使用者、平台業者、商業夥伴、第三人或使用者本身之申訴、爭議、請求、費用、罰金、處罰或其他責任之方式,營業或使用本服務; 


7.1.20 曾經信用評等機構評定使用者使用本服務具高風險; 


7.1.21 自信用卡預借現金(或協助他人為之); 


7.1.22 將LINE POINTS以任何未經本公司事先同意之方式或安排兌為現金; 


7.1.23 妨礙本服務之正常營運;或 


7.1.24 從事本公司認為不適當之任何行為。 


7.2 如使用者違反本條款(包括前述第7.1條之規定或本服務之任何條款)或其支付款項經法院裁定或檢察官命令扣押者,本公司得暫停對該使用者提供本服務之全部或一部或暫停履行本公司依本條款所負義務之全部或一部,並得依下述第14條終止本條款。如違反本條款之行為造成本公司任何損失或損害,使用者應賠償本公司。  


8. 錯誤付款之處理

8.1 如錯誤付款係因可歸責於本公司之原因所生,本公司有權更正其發現之錯誤付款,並應於知悉上開事實時儘速通知使用者。使用者應取消原經許可之錯誤交易金額之付款,並以使用者之信用卡給付正確的交易金額。 


8.2 如錯誤付款係因可歸責於使用者之原因所生,例如使用者輸入錯誤之交易金額或輸入錯誤之受款人,使用者應立即通知本公司,俾本公司協助處理,但使用者不得就此錯誤付款向本公司為任何追索。惟,使用者得聯繫使用本服務給付款項之平台業者或商業夥伴,並視情況請求平台業者或商業夥伴退款。本公司不會代墊該退款予使用者,亦不會回復使用者錯誤給付之款項。又因不可歸責於使用者之事由而發生支付錯誤時,本公司應協助使用者更正錯誤,並提供使用者其他必要協助。


9. 被盜用之帳號及密碼之處理

9.1 使用者一旦發現或懷疑其LINE Pay帳戶或密碼被盜用,或被任何第三人以未經授權之方式使用,使用者應依照本服務網站(https://contact-cc.line.me/zh-hant/)登載之聯繫方式,通知本公司並停用系爭LINE Pay帳戶,以使本公司得就此採取適當且及時之措施。惟,本公司所採取之該等措施,不應被視為本公司對使用者明示或默示之賠償,亦不應被視為本公司應對使用者負擔任何責任。 


9.2 於知悉使用者之LINE Pay帳戶或密碼被盜用,或被任何第三人以未經授權之方式使用時,本公司應立即通知使用者(但如係收受使用者通知而知悉者,即毋須再通知使用者),且暫停使用者LINE Pay帳戶任何已經指示之付款,並停止接受該LINE Pay帳戶後續之任何支付指示。 


9.3 於本公司受理完成使用者的帳號停用手續後,因該帳號所發生之損失,由本公司負擔;在完成帳號停用手續前,如因下列原因致該帳號發生損失,該損失應由使用者自行負擔: 


9.3.1 使用者未妥善保管帳號密碼。  


9.3.2 使用者自行將帳號密碼提供與他人。  


9.3.3 使用者未依照本公司帳號安全機制使用本服務。  


9.3.4 其他因使用者故意或重大過失所致之事由。 9.4 調查使用者帳號密碼被盜用所生之費用,應由本公司負擔。  


10. 資訊安全 

10.1 本公司將採取適當措施以確保本服務資訊系統之資訊安全,且本公司已通過ISO27001及PCI DSS之資訊安全驗證。惟,使用者亦應確保其資訊系統之安全並防止第三人非法入侵、取得、竄改、或損害其營業紀錄或個人資訊。 

10.2 如有任何第三人破解本公司資訊系統之保護措施或利用本公司資訊系統之漏洞相關爭議,由本公司就該事實不存在負舉證責任。 

10.3 就第三人入侵本公司資訊系統對使用者所造成之損害,應由本公司負賠償責任,但該入侵可歸責於使用者時,不在此限。 


11. 無保證及責任限制

11.1 就因使用者或其員工或代理人違反本條款及/或本政策所生或與之相關,致本公司、本公司之母公司、子公司及關聯企業及其經理人、董事、代理人、合夥人、員工或供應商(下稱「受償人」)遭受或可能遭受之請求、要求、損害賠償、成本或責任(包括但不限於合理的律師費),使用者同意提供受償人防禦及賠償,並使受償人免於損害。 


11.2 本服務係以「既存」且「可提供」之基礎提供。就LINE Pay、本服務及本服務網站上之任何內容,本公司及受償人並未作成任何聲明、保證或承諾(不論明示或默示)。在法律許可之最大範圍內,本公司明示排除或免除任何聲明、保證及承諾,包括但不限於與正確性、可靠性、適銷性、滿意度、品質、適於特定目的及無侵權行為相關之聲明、保證或承諾。本公司保留增訂、刪除或修改本服務相關部分或全部系統或功能之權利。 


11.3 本服務之系統將定期進行資料備份。就誤刪資訊,或錯誤或未備份任何資料,本公司不負任何賠償責任。 


11.4 使用者應視情況單獨就其與平台業者或商業夥伴間之所有交易負責,包括商議交易條件、商品及服務之運送及收受、商品及服務之付款、取消或終止買賣合約、提供瑕疵擔保、及退貨及退款處理程序。本公司不對使用者與平台業者或商業夥伴間之任何交易負責。 


11.5 使用者自本公司、本公司成員或經本服務收受的建議及資訊,不論係以書面或口頭為之,均不應被視為本公司就本服務提供任何保證、承諾或聲明。 


11.6 於法律允許之最大範圍內,本公司及受償人明示免除並排除,使用者(或以使用者名義或透過使用者提出請求之他人)之所有與使用者登入及/或使用本服務/本服務網站所生或與其相關的間接、附帶、特別、懲戒性、結果性或懲罰性損失或損害(包括營業、收入、利潤、資訊使用或其他經濟利益之損失),不論(a)該損失或損害是否係因契約、侵權行為(包括過失)或其他原因所生;(b)該損失或損害是否具可預見性;及/或(c)本公司是否已於事前收到該損失或損害可能發生之通知。 


11.7 上述第11.6條之免責及排除條款,應於法律允許之最大範圍適用之,惟不適用於與下列事項相關之責任、損失或損害: 


11.7.1 因本公司過失所致之人身傷亡; 


11.7.2 詐欺或詐騙之不實陳述;或 


11.7.3 其他依法規定不得排除之責任。 


11.8 本公司之責任上限,無論是基於契約、侵權(包括過失)或其他任何原因所生,且無論是否與本條款或任何附帶條款相關,應以使用者於該責任發生前三個月內所支付之交易金額總額為上限。 


11.9 如使用者所屬之州、省分或國家不允許限制或排除附帶或結果性損害責任,本條款所載之限制或排除條款,其部分或全部將因此不適用於使用者。


12. 服務之暫停或中斷

12.1 於下述任何情形之一,本公司得暫停或中斷本服務之一部或全部,且使用者不得就此主張任何求償或賠償: 


12.1.1 該暫停或中斷係為重置、更換、維持、更新或修復本服務之軟體或硬體設備。 


12.1.2 本公司以其單獨之裁量,認定使用者使用本服務,已違反法律、本條款或其他要求。 


12.1.3 因不可抗力事件,致本服務暫停、中斷,或無法正常運作。為避免疑義,不可抗力事件係指超出任何一方控制之因素,包括但不限於,天災、民兵或軍事政權行動、火災、罷工、停工或勞工爭議、傳染病、政府限制、戰爭、恐怖行動、暴動、地震、暴風雨、颱風、水災及電力及電腦資訊及通訊系統故障。 


12.1.4 因第三人之行為,或其他不可歸責於本公司之行為,致本服務暫停、中斷或無法正常營運。 


12.1.5 本公司於調查後,發現使用者提供錯誤的身分認證資訊。  


13. 智慧財產權

13.1 使用者同意並承認,就本服務相關或本服務所包含之智慧財產權,本條款之任何內容應不構成其權利、所有權或利益之授予,該等智慧財產權之所有權利均由本公司及其授權人所保留。


14. 契約之終止及修訂


14.1 使用者得隨時登錄網路停用本服務之LINE Pay帳戶,以終止本條款。於本條款終止時,本公司得取消任何尚未完成之交易。


14.2 使用者不得藉由關閉LINE Pay帳戶以規避任何調查。在本公司進行調查期間,如使用者關閉其LINE Pay帳戶,本公司得留置該使用者已給付之任何交易金額,以保護本公司、其母公司、子公司及關聯企業或第三人,使其免於法律請求、費用、罰金、罰款及其他責任之風險。即便在LINE Pay帳戶關閉後,使用者仍將繼續就與LINE Pay帳戶相關之所有義務負責。 


14.3 使用者同意,本條款第11、13至16條,及其他依其性質應繼續有效之條款,在本條款終止後應繼續有效。 


14.4 本公司得在其認為必要時,隨時修訂本條款,包括修正任何已公告或將公告之相關規定及政策。修訂後之本條款,應明確地公告於本服務之本網站及以本公司及使用者隨時同意之其他方式通知使用者,且應自公告及發送通知予使用者(以孰後至者為準)時起生效。使用者如在該等修訂後,繼續使用本服務及/或本服務之任何部分,即表示使用者接受並同意受修訂後條款全文之拘束。如使用者不同意任何條款之修訂,本公司得終止使用者取得/使用本服務之權利,且除有可歸責於本公司之事由外,本公司不就使用者因該終止所生之任何損失或損害負責。


15. 與本公司之爭議

15.1 本公司之目標在於瞭解並回應使用者之疑慮。如本公司無法滿足使用者的需求,本公司將提供使用者中立且具成本效益、得以迅速解決爭議之方法。如使用者及本公司就本服務產生爭議,得透過本條款下述第16.11條規定向本公司提報該爭議。 


15.2 使用者同意,除法律另有規定外,因本條款所生或與本條款有關之任何請求或爭議,應依據中華民國仲裁法及中華民國仲裁協會仲裁規則提付仲裁。仲裁程序應以中文於中華民國臺灣臺北市進行。仲裁判斷係終局確定且對本公司及使用者具有拘束力。本條款應以中華民國法律為準據法,並依中華民國法律解釋之。本條款如有疑義時,應為有利於使用者之解釋。 


15.3 所有對本公司提出之請求,均應依本條款第15條解決。所有非依本第15條提出之請求,均應被視為未適當提出,且應被視為違反本條款。如任何一方未依本第15條提出請求,本公司得請求因該等未適當提出之請求所生之合理律師費用及成本(包括內部律師及法務),但以本公司已將該請求未適當提出之情事以書面通知使用者,且使用者未立即撤回請求為限。 


15.4 如使用者依破產法令開始任何程序,或經他人依破產法令提起任何程序,本公司應有權請求執行本條款所生之所有合理的成本及費用(包括合理的律師費及費用)。 


15.5 如使用者與一個或多個使用者或平台業者或商業夥伴有爭議,使用者應使本公司、本公司之母公司、子公司及關聯企業,免於該爭議所生或與該爭議相關之任何種類及性質之請求、要求及(實際及結果性)損害。


16. 其他及一般條款

16.1 完整合意。使用者承認並瞭解,任何與使用者取得及使用本服務相關、但未於本條款規定之事項,應以刊登於本服務網站之(a)相關處理程序;(b)本服務之描述;及(c)本服務使用準則為準。為避免疑義,本政策應成為本條款之一部。 


16.2 轉讓。本條款及本公司依本條款所負之權利及義務,得由本公司讓與、轉讓、變更當事人或處理,且將對本公司之繼受人及受讓人發生效力,使用者應進行所有為促進該讓與、轉讓、當事人變更或處理所需之一切必要行為。本條款及使用者依本條款所負之權利及義務,應專屬於使用者本身,且未經本公司事前書面同意,使用者不得將任何該等權利及/或義務,授權、轉讓、轉授權或轉包予任何第三人。 


16.3 電子訊息。使用者同意,透過本服務所交換並由本公司使用之電子訊息,應與書面文件具有同等效力,且在任何與該等電子訊息之爭議有關之訴訟、仲裁、調解或其他法定紛爭解決程序中,使用者不得主張該電子訊息不符合書面或已簽署文件之要件,亦不得主張該電子訊息應被視為無效或不存在。 


16.4 可分割性。如本條款之任何條款或條文被認定為違法、無效、可撤銷或無法執行,本條款其餘條款之合法性、有效性及可執行性應不受影響,且本條款其餘條款應繼續完全有效。使用者同意,本公司得修訂本條款違法、無效、可撤銷或無法執行之部分,但該等修訂應在法律所許可之範圍內,反映本條款明示之真意。 


16.5 本條款之翻譯。任何本條款之翻譯,係僅為便利使用者而作成,而非為修訂本條款之條文。如本條款之英文版與其他語言之版本有歧異,應以英文版為準。 


16.6 第三人權利。任何非本條款當事人之人,不得行使本條款之任何約定。 


16.7 非拋棄。本公司未行使或延遲行使其於本條款下之任何權利,不應被視為該等權利之拋棄。 16.8 通知。除本條款另有規定外,本公司依本條款對使用者所為之任何通知: 


16.8.1 應以書面及中文作成(但於本公司認為必要時,得以英文作成),且本公司得(i)於本公司之本網站上顯著處為通知公告,或(ii)其他本公司隨時決定之通知方式為之。 

16.8.2 應在下述情形被視為已收受依本條款所為之有效通知,(a)若於本公司之本網站公告為之,為公告後之24小時; (b)若透過LINE訊息應用程式中使用者正式之訊息帳戶為之,於本公司發送訊息時;(c)如通知係以信件為之,於專人送達並投遞於相關住址時,或該信件投遞後兩(2)日;(d)如通知係以傳真為之,於傳送且收件人收受完整且可讀之複本時;及(e)以其他方式為之,於本公司公告或發送通知時。 


16.9 如使用者未提供住址予本公司,本公司得於Line.me/pay網站上明顯處刊登通知訊息,以通知使用者,且使用者應定期瀏覽該網站以瞭解任何通知內容。


16.10 除本條款另有規定外,本公司應不受任何通知之拘束,除非該通知係由使用 者透過本公司網站(line.me/pay)或客戶爭議解決及申訴(客戶服務)網站(https://contact-cc.line.me/zh-hant/)向本公司提出。


16.11 本公司客戶爭議解決及申訴(客戶服務)資訊如下: 客服線上聯絡方式:https://contact-cc.line.me/zh-hant/ 客服電話:(02)6631-5166 客服電話服務時間:週一至週日,每日上午九點至下午十點(365天全年無休)


16.12 信託與受益權人會議相關事項

16.12.1 定義 「支付款項」 係指本公司於交易發生後,代理收付買方(即使用者,下同)因交易所支付指示本公司或其指定之人,或本公司之履行輔助人轉交予賣方(即平台業者,下同),以信用卡支付之交易金額。 「信託專戶」 指基於本公司與國泰世華商業銀行簽訂之信託契約,國泰世華商業銀行為管理信託契約所定之支付款項,由本公司於國泰世華商業銀行銀行業務部門開立之新臺幣信託財產專戶,以及國泰世華商業銀行為管理信託契約所定之支付款項,而以該信託關係下之受託人名義於國泰世華商業銀行以外之其他銀行或中華郵政股份有限公司開立之新臺幣信託財產專戶。 「信託契約使用者」 係指信託契約所定義之使用者,即接受及/或使用本公司提供之支付款項代收代付服務之買方、賣方及收單機構,於發生下列情事時,信託財產之受益權應自動歸屬信託契約使用者,由每一信託契約使用者最高按其所授權本公司代理收付之支付款項,享有信託受益權:

(1)本公司發生解散、清算、破產、重整、廢止許可、撤銷登記、連續停業達三個月以上、歇業或其他事由,致無法對信託契約使用者履行支付款項代收代付服務契約或代理收付款項之義務(下稱 「不履行情事」)(惟若本公司雖發生不履行情事,但仍可指示國泰世華商業銀行撥付或返還信託財產予信託契約使用者時,應不構成不履行情事,信託受益權仍應歸屬於本公司);或

(2)依信託契約約定或有其他依法令規定信託財產之受益權應歸屬信託契約使用者。 「信託財產」 係指(1)本公司於信託契約簽訂後,預先存入信託專戶之財產;(2)信託契約存續期間內,本公司委由收單機構將其處理之信用卡帳款逕存入信託專戶之款項;(3)本公司依信託契約約定及國泰世華商業銀行通知而補存入信託專戶之財產;(4)其他經國泰世華商業銀行同意存入信託專戶之款項。

16.12.2 使用者瞭解並同意,本公司代收之支付款項,均將存入國泰世華商業銀行信託專戶,專款專用,受益人為本公司,而非交易代收代付之買方及賣方。未存入信託專戶之款項,非屬信託財產,國泰世華商業銀行不負受託管理或催討之義務或責任。

16.12.3 使用者同意本公司得將使用者基於本條款所提供之個人資料(例如:因須召開受益權人會議而須蒐集、處理及利用之相關個人資料)提供予國泰世華商業銀行(包含國泰世華商業銀行依法委任處理事務之第三人),且國泰世華商業銀行得於其為本公司處理支付款項代收代付服務之信託相關事務之目的範圍內,就上開個人資料為蒐集、處理或利用。

16.12.4 使用者瞭解並同意,依據信託契約之約定,於信託財產受益權歸屬信託契約使用者之情事發生而經國泰世華商業銀行視需要召開受益權人會議時,或有其他信託契約或法令所定應召開受益權人會議之情事時,該受益權人會議之召集程序、議決方法、表決權之計算、會議規範及其他應遵循事項,除法令另有規定者外,應依據「第三方支付業者代理收付款項信託受益權人會議準則」(下稱 「會議準則」)辦理。於信託契約使用者成為信託財產之受益權人時,會議準則之效力及於該等受益權人。為免疑義,會議準則中之 「使用者」 即本條款第 條 「信託契約使用者」 。會議準則之內容詳見本公司官方網站 「第三方支付業者代理收付款項信託受益權人會議準則」 區域:https://terms2.line.me/linepay_TSP_Escrow_TOS?lang=zh-Hant&country=TW (如您係使用電腦以接近取得本服務),或 https://terms2.line.me/linepay_TSP_Escrow_TOS?lang=zh-Hant&country=TW (如您係使用行動裝置以接近取得本服務)


使用者得透過下述網址查詢本條款之過往版本:https://terms2.line.me/linepay_TW_TOS_before20231001?lang=zh-Hant(如您係使用電腦以接近取得本服務),或 https://terms2.line.me/linepay_TW_TOS_before20231001/sp?lang=zh-Hant(如您係使用行動裝置以接近取得本服務)。 



LINE Pay General Terms of Service 

The LINE Pay General Terms of Service (the "Terms") is a contract between LINE Pay Taiwan Limited (the R.O.C. Uniform Number: 24941093, Representative: WoongJu Jeong, a company duly incorporated and validly existing under the laws of the Republic of China, Taiwan ("Taiwan"), having its principal place of business at 13F., No.2, Jingye 1st Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City, Taiwan. "LINE Pay Taiwan") and any user (hereby referred to as "User", or "you") (collectively the "Parties"and each a "Party") for the former's provision of the LINE Pay services or any part thereof (the "Services") to enable Users to make payments of money for the transactions conducted from time to time on any of the online/offline sales platforms ("Platforms") operated by their respective platform operators ("Platform Operators") that the Company may approve from time to time or by the Company (when acting as a seller) and designated business partners (collectively referred to as "Business Partners"). In the event that the Services are provided by any company which is affiliated to LINE Pay Taiwan ("LY Affiliate") then the Terms shall constitute a contract between such LY Affiliate and each User and the LY Affiliate will be the party responsibility for the provision of the Services in accordance with this Terms. The reference to "Company" or "We" in the Terms shall be read as a reference to LINE Pay Taiwan or the LY Affiliate as the case may be. 


The Terms shall apply to the User's access and usage of the Services and the User shall accept and agree to be bound by all the terms and conditions contained in the Terms. For the avoidance of doubt, the Terms incorporate and include all Schedules to the Terms and any applicable agreements, handling procedures, the description of and covenants for the Services, the guidelines for using the Services, the points to note, and restrictions use of the Services (collectively, the "Policies") as found on the website of the Services ("Website") at https://terms2.line.me/linepay_TW_TermsofUse?lang=zh-Hant (if you access the Services using a computer) or at https://terms2.line.me/linepay_TW_TermsofUse/sp?lang=zh-Hant (if you access the Services using a mobile device).


The Terms is an important document which you must consider carefully when choosing whether to use the Services. Please note the following risks of using the Services.


The Company may close, suspend, or limit a User's access to his/her LINE Pay Account and/or the Services if he/she violates the Terms, including the Policies or any other agreement which is entered into between the User and the Company.


The User is solely responsible for understanding and complying with any and all laws, rules and regulations of his/her specific jurisdiction that may be applicable in connection with his/her use of the Services, including but not limited to, those related to export or import activities, taxes or foreign currency transactions. 


This Terms is not a solicitation of the Services and the Company is not targeting any country or market through the Terms.


The User shall not use the Services if he/she does not agree to any of the terms and conditions contained in the Terms. By accessing/using or continuing to access/use the Services, the User accepts and agrees to be bound by the Terms as well as any subsequent revisions and amendments hereto. The Terms may be amended by the Company at its absolute discretion at any time by posting such amended Terms on it Website, and by notifying Users of such amended Terms via other methods as may be agreed by the Company an the User from time to time, and shall take effect from the time such amended Terms are posted on the Website and are otherwise notified to Users. 



1.1 The Company is a payment service provide or merely a payment information service provider in the case of Business Partner Transactions (as defined in Clause 4.6) and acts as such by creating, hosting, maintaining and providing its Services to the User via the Internet. The Company's Services allow Users who have successfully registered for a LINE Pay Account in accordance with Clause 2 of the Terms below to make online payments using their credit cards and any other payment methods that the Company may adopt from time to time (including debit card) ("Credit Card") and/or redemption service of LINE POINTS for the goods, services and/or digital content (the "Goods and Services") purchased over the Platforms. "LINE POINTS" means the virtual points issued by the Company and the Users obtain them for free via designated methods. The usage methods, rules, and redemption services of LINE POINTS, shall be subject to all terms and conditions and guidelines adopted and announced by the Company.


1.2 The availability of the Services varies by country. Please see the Website for details of the scope of the Services which are applicable in your country of residence.


1.3 The Company is not a remittance business or a money transfer service provider and under no circumstances should the User make use of the Services provided by the Company to remit funds which are not payments for Goods and Services transacted over the Platform(s) to third parties.


1.4 The Company dose not have any control over, and is not responsible or liable for the Goods and Services that are paid for using the Services. The Company cannot ensure that the Platform Operator(s) or Business Partner(s) which the User is dealing with will actually complete the transaction. 


1.5 The User may receive certain number of LINE POINTS by using the Services pursuant to the relevant terms and conditions of the Company. Given that the User's receiving LINE POINTS pursuant to the above is part of the Service, once the User uses the Service, the User shall be deemed having agreed to the Company's collection, process, and use of the User's LINE account and such other relevant information within the purpose and scope for the User to receive the LINE POINTS pursuant to the above. 


1.6 With respect to utilization of LINE POINTS, in addition to the Terms, LINE POINTS Terms and Conditions of Use (https://terms2.line.me/pointclub_point_terms?lang=zh-Hant) shall apply as well. If there is any discrepancy or inconsistency among any provision of such terms and conditions, the provisions of LINE POINTS Terms and Conditions of Use shall prevail.


1.7 The detailed terms and conditions with respect to LINE POINTS and FAQ are available as follows: 

Detailed terms: https://terms2.line.me/pointclub_point_terms?lang=zh-Hant

FAQ: LINE POINTS > Settings > Help



2.1 Before using the Services for the first time, the User is required to apply and sign up for a LINE Pay Account online through a mobile application designated by the Company or in such other manner as the Company may from time to time specify, and indicate his/her acceptance of all the terms and conditions governing the use of Services. The User shall also provide such information to the Company in accordance with Clause 3 of the Terms and as the Company may reasonably specify or require. The User will be requested to verify and validate his/her identity in accordance with the validation procedures as the Company may from time to time specify. In order for the Company to provide the Services, the User must provide certain information to the Company and the Company may also require the User to verify and validate his/her identity in accordance with this Terms and the Privacy Policy if applicable. 


2.2 The granting of access to or availability of the Services to the User shall be at the sole discretion of the Company which reserves the right to accept or deny User's application for a LINE Pay Account to access/use the Services. The User acknowledges and agrees that the Company may at any time without prior notice to the User terminate this Terms, suspend or cancel the User's LINE Pay Account, the provision of Services or any part thereof to the User or take any other necessary or appropriate measures as it deems fit for any reason whatsoever, including but not limited to the circumstance where: 


2.2.1 the Company cannot contact the User by using the User's telephone number(s), address, or other contact information as may be required by the Company which are provided by the User to the Company in order for the User to register for a LINE Pay Account ("Contact Information");


2.2.2 the User does not have sufficient funds or is insolvent or is otherwise unable to pay the amounts due to the Platform Operator(s) or Business Partner(s) for the purchase of Goods and Services over the Platform(s);


2.2.3 the User is or has been declared a bankrupt under the Bankruptcy Act of the ROC or any other applicable bankruptcy or insolvency law;


2.2.4 the User lacks the legal capacity to contract under any applicable laws; or 


2.2.5 the records show that the Company had previously suspended the User's use of the Services due to his/her breach of the Terms; or


2.2.6 the User is engaging in or suspected of engaging in any of the Prohibited Activities specified in Clause 7.1 below. 


2.3 User agrees that the Company shall not be held responsible for any loss or damage suffered by the User due to actions taken by the Company in exercising its rights under Clause 2.2 above.


2.4 To confirm that the User does not fall under the circumstances specified in Clause 2.2 above, the Company may request the User to provide relevant documents or information. Until the confirmation process is completed, the Company may refuse to provide the Services to the User. The Company shall not be responsible for any loss or damage the User may suffer as a result.


3. Account and password management

3.1 The User shall provide all essential information, including Contact Information, to the Company as may be required by the Company from time to time when registering for a LINE Pay Account in order to fully utilise the contents and functions of the Services. 


3.1.1 Contact information. The User is responsible for keeping his/her Contact Information up to date so that the Company can communicate with the User. The User understands and agrees that if the Company sends the User by electronic means any LINE Pay Account or transaction information, including (i) any Policies the User agrees to, including updates to these Policies; and (ii) annual disclosure; transaction receipts or confirmations (collectively, "Communications") but is not received by the User because the Contact Information on file is incorrect, out of date, or the User is otherwise unable to receive electronic Communications for reasons not attributable to the Company, the Company will be deemed to have provided the Communication to the User. Where a User makes use of a filter that blocks or re-routes electronic messages, notifications or other forms of electronic Communication, the User should adjust such filter settings accordingly so that he/she will be able to receive the Communications sent by the Company.


The User can update his/her Contact Information at any time by logging onto the Website of the Services. If the User's Contact Information becomes invalid such that Communications sent to the User by the Company are bounced, the User's LINE Pay Account will be deemed to be inactive, and the User will not be able to transact any activity using his/her LINE Pay Account until the Company receives other valid Contact Information from that User.


3.1.2 Identity Verification. The User authorizes the Company, directly or through third parties, to make any inquiries the Company considers necessary to validate the User's identity. This may include requiring the User to:


(a) provide further information or documentation:


(b) provide a taxpayer or national identification number.


(c) take steps to confirm ownership of the User's Contact Information or financial instruments, order a credit report; or


(d) verify his/her information against third party databases or through other sources.


3.2 The User hereby warrants and represents that all information that he/she provides/has provided to the Company is accurate and up-to-date. If any information that a User provides is out of date, the User shall update the affected information promptly. If the User fails to provide or update the information in a timely manner as may be specified by the Company or the information provided is incorrect or untrue, the Company may reject or suspend the provision of part or all of the Services to the User and/or terminate this Terms without prior notice.


3.3 The User warrants and represents that he/she is the beneficial owner of the LINE Pay Account registered under his/her name and uses the Services to make payment solely on his/her own behalf. For the avoidance or doubt, registration to become a User in another's name is prohibited. 


3.4 The User shall follow the methods and procedures specified by the Company in establishing the User's identity and password ("Password") for the purposes of access and/or use of the Service. The User may access and use the Services by logging into his/her respective LINE Pay Account using his/her Password (or such other method as may be permitted by the Company from time to time). Each User acknowledges that his/her Password is confidential and shall only be used only by the User for registering and logging into his/her LINE Pay Account in order to access and use the Services. The User shall not disclose, assign, or provide his/her Password to any third parties for the latters' use with or without consideration. 


3.5 The User shall maintain his/her Password and exercise all due care and precaution to keep his/her Password confidential and prevent any unauthorized usage by any other person. Any action or omission whether intentionally or unintentionally breaching that confidentiality shall render the User liable to the Company for all the losses and damages whatsoever arising from or as a result of such breach. All activities that occur under the User's LINE Pay Account shall be considered the activities of the User in possession of said LINE Pay Account.  



4.1 Unless otherwise permitted by the Company from time to time, the User is required to quote his/her Password in order to log in to his/her LINE Pay Account and/or to access the Services. Thereafter, he/she may make a request to use the Services to effect Credit Card payments or redemption service of LINE POINTS for amounts payable on transaction for Goods and Services ("Transaction Amounts") between the User and the Platform Operator, or the User and Business Partner(s) via the Company's limited role of credit card payment information transmission service ("Payment Request"). By making such a Payment Request, the Company or the Business Partner is authorized by the User (but not obliged) to effect the payment of the Transaction Amounts via the User's Credit Card and/or redemption of LINE POINTS in accordance with the Terms. By adding a Credit Card or redemption service of LINE POINTS as a payment method, the User affirms that he/she is providing the Company with continuous authorization to automatically charge that Credit Card or redeem LINE POINTS to obtain the relevant funds to effect any payment pursuant to any Payment Request. For the avoidance of doubt, a User is able to stop the continuous authority by removing that Credit Card or redemption of LINE POINTS as a payment method in his/her LINE Pay Account profile. The User agrees to comply with any security or other verification procedures the Company may from time to time require in connection with any use of the Services.


4.2 Before effecting the payment of Transaction Amounts pursuant to a Payment Request, the Services may, depending on the scope of Services which are applicable in your country of residence, provide the User a re-confirmation mechanism whereby the User is required to re-confirm the Payment Request through such a re-confirmation mechanism. For the avoidance of doubt, the Company shall not be under any obligation to verify the identity or authority of any person giving and/or re-confirming the Payment Request and the authenticity of such Payment Request. The Company shall not be liable for relying or acting in good faith on such Payment Request which is given or purported to be given by any person(s) whom the Company genuinely believes to be the User, regardless of the prevailing circumstances at the time of such Payment Requests, the nature of the arrangement, services or transaction made pursuant to such Payment Request, or the amount of money involved and notwithstanding any error, misunderstanding, fraud, forgery, or lack of clarity or authorization in terms of such Payment Requests.


4.3 For the avoidance of doubt, the Company is not a party to the transaction for sale and purchase of Goods and Services between the User and the Platform Operator(s) or Business Partner(s). The relationship between the User and Platform Operator(s) or Business Partner(s) in terms of the rights and obligations in connection with the sale and provision of the Goods and Services which are the subjects of such transactions, the transaction methods and terms, and performance or non-performance of the transactions (including but not limited to refusal to perform, delay, non-delivery defects, errors. return or replacement of Goods and Services, and refund) exist only between the User and Platform Operator(s) or the User and Business Partner(s), as the case my be. All rights, obligations and liabilities with respect to such transactions shall be exercised, fulfilled, and borne by the User and the Platform Operator(s) or the User and Business Partner(s), as the case may be, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations and the terms of their agreements. The Company's provision of the Services shall not constitute an explicit or implied warranty or undertaking by the Company for the performance of any of such transactions. 


4.4 The User may make a Payment Request to authorize the Company to pay on his/her behalf the Transaction Amounts arising from the sale and purchase of Goods and Services between the User and the Platform Operator(s), or may authorize the Company to transmit credit card payment information for such sale and purchase transactions via the Company's limited role of credit card payment information transmission service or authorize the Company to handle the redemption service of LINE POINTS, as applicable. Transactions between the User and the Platform Operator(s) or the User and Business Partner(s) via the Company's limited role of credit card payment information transmission service or redemption service of LINE POINTS shall not violate any laws or regulations or public order or good morals.


4.5 For the avoidance of doubt, in accepting the User's Payment Request to effect online Credit Card payments of Transaction Amounts to the Platform Operator(s), or to effect the payment of Transaction Amounts to Business Partner(s) via the Company's limited role of credit card payment information transmission service, or to effect redemption of LINE POINTS as applicable, the Company is not and does not represent to be acting as a bank or financial institution, nor do the Services provided by the Company constitute the provision of financial services by the Company. The Company does not through its provision of the Services provide direct financial transfer services to Users. The Transaction Amounts the Company collects are by no means any deposits, so no interest on Transaction Amounts is payable by the Company or accruable. 


4.6 The Company shall upon the receipt and re-confirmation of Payment Requests in accordance with Clause 4.2 above make payments of the Transaction Amounts to the Platform Operator(s); for the avoidance of doubt, given that the Company only provides limited credit card payment information transmission service and does not involve itself in the fund flow of Payment Requests incurred from the Transaction between the User and Business Partner ("Business Partner Transactions'), this Clause 4.6 will not apply to Business Partner Transactions; provided, however, that a bank or financial institution having cooperation relationship with the Company may handle the relevant settlement matters of LINE POINTS for the Company if so approved by the competent authorities. Settlement and payment of Transaction Amounts collected through the Services shall be made in New Taiwan Dollars. Where the payment is made by Credit Cards issued by the foreign financial institution and thereby involves exchange rates, the rates at a time agreed upon with the User's card issuer shall apply.


4.7 Any Transaction Amounts received by the Company from the Users shall be deposited into the Trust Account (as defined in Clause, which is held by the Company under the Trust Agreement for the Funds Collected/Paid as an Agent by the Third Party Payment Service Provider  signed between the Company and Cathay United Bank Co., Ltd ("Cathay United Bank") ("Trust Agreement"), and shall be used/paid only for the purposes designated hereunder and kept separate from the Company's own operation funds. The Company will not use the said funds in that particular independent account except for settling and paying the Transaction Amounts for Users' transactions of Goods and Services with Platform Operator(s) at Users' Payment Requests, paying charges of the Services, and paying other expenses and indemnities payable or amounts repayable by Users. The Company shall provide the protections measures for the Transaction Amount collected as required by the law. For the avoidance of doubt, given that the Company only provides limited credit card payment information transmission service and does not involve itself in the fund flow of Payment Requests incurred from Business Partner Transactions, or provide redemption service of LINE POINTS, this Clause 4.7 regarding the receipt of Users' Transactions Amounts will not apply to Business Partner Transactions or redemption service of LINE POINTS; provided, however that a bank or financial institution having cooperation relationship with the Company may handle the relevant settlement matters of LINE POINTS for the Company if so approved by the competent authorities. 


4.8 Where notices of payment of Transaction Amounts by the Company for the User via the Services cannot be sent by the Company to the User through the User's official LINE messaging account via the LINE messaging application, the Company shall, after effecting the payment, inform the User of the payment of the Transaction Amounts via any other notification method as the Company may determine from time to time. However, the information available regarding the payment of such Transaction Amounts shall be based on the information contained within the system records of the Services. As the Internet is an openly accessible network, it is impossible for the Company to control or keep abreast of every service provider's operational policies or systems. Hence, where the manner of notification involves transmission over the Internet, the Company does not guarantee the timely receipt by Users of such messages transmitted over the Internet by the Company.


4.9 The system of the Services will automatically record the amounts paid via the Services and any other information relating to the User's usage of the Services. Users who have registered for a LINE Pay Account may log in to their LINE Pay Accounts to check such records. If a User finds the figures in his/her LINE Pay Account, or any related records or information erroneous or otherwise suspicious he/she shall immediately inform the Company thereof.


4.10 The User shall use the Services according to the methods and the procedures as may be prescribed by the Company from time to time. The Company shall not be held liable for any loss or damage caused if a transaction or payment from the User to the Platform Operator(s), or redemption service of LINE POINTS, or to Business Partner(s) via the Company's limited role of credit card payment information transmission service as applicable is not completed due to the User's failure to operate the Services in the prescribed manner or in accordance with the Terms and Policies. 


4.11 If a User's transaction is suspected of violating any laws or regulations or public order or morality, infringing a third party's rights or interests, breaching a requirement under applicable laws or regulations, or violating an order by a competent authority or any court of law, the Company may (i) close, suspend or limit the User's access to his/her LINE Pay Account or the Services; (ii) refuse to provide the Services to the User; (iii) terminate the Terms; (iv) where the Company has not yet transferred the Transaction Amounts to the Platform Operator(s) for the transaction at issue, withhold the Transaction Amounts for such periods of time it deems necessary to protect against the risk of liability to the Company or to a third party; and/or (v) take any other necessary or appropriate measures as it deems fit. The User agrees to indemnify the Company against any loss or damage (a) arising from or in relation to the User's violations as stated in this Clause 4.11; and (b) as may be incurred by the Company in exercising its rights in accordance with this Clause 4.11. 


4.12 If the User makes use of the Services in violation of the Terms including any applicable rules and Policies posted on the Website of the Services, the Company shall have the right to terminate the Terms and/or deny provision of the Services or any part thereof to the User and the Company shall not be liable to compensate the User for any damage or loss resulting therefrom. 


4.13 The User shall bear any loss or damage resulting from his/her negligence, including but not limited to his/her failures to follow trading instructions, failures to operate transactions on time, forgetting or making unauthorized disclosure of Passwords, and any hacking of the User's LINE Pay Account(s) or personal electronic devices. 


4.14 The User shall resolve disputes arising from his/her transactions over the Platform(s) with the Platform Operator(s) and/or Business Partner(s) at his/her own expense and may not request the Company to handle such disputes for him/her. However, the Company may, in its discretion, intervene to resolve such disputes if it deems the intervention necessary for the maintenance of normal operations of the Services, and the Company may assist the User and the Platform Operator(s) and/or Business Partner(s) in resolving the dispute(s) using the applicable mechanism provided by the competent authorities for handling the aforementioned disputes. 


4.15 If the Company determines in its sole discretion that the use by a User of the Services and/or the Website or any User's transaction constitutes or falls within any of the Prohibited Activities described in Clause 7 below, the Company shall be entitled to suspend the provision of Services to the said User in whole or part, suspend the performance of all or part of its obligations under the Terms, cancel or revoke the said User's transaction, or take any such other action as it deems necessary (including, without limitation, terminating the Terms or imposing limits on the amount of payments the User is able to make via the Services). 


4.16 The User hereby acknowledges that with regard to payments made via the Services for any Business Partner Transactions, the Company shall be only responsible for transmitting information required for Credit Card payments made by the User to the Business Partner(s), and will not involve itself in the fund flow of any payment for the Transaction Amounts thereof. The User further acknowledges that the Company will not provide any payment and collection services in relation to Business Partner Transactions. In terms of Business Partner Transactions, the Terms shall only apply to the extent that is consistent with the Company's aforementioned limited role in payments for Business Partner Transactions. 



5.1 If the User and the Platform Operator(s) agree to revoke or cancel transactions after the Company has paid the Transaction Amounts to the latter via the Services, the User shall immediately inform the Company thereof and request online cancellation of the payments with Credit Card or redemption of LINE POINTS within 60 days of the date of payment by the Company of the Transaction Amounts. If the revocation or cancellation is agreed to and confirmed by the Company, then the Company shall refund to the User, the Transaction Amounts it paid on behalf of the User, or return the LINE POINTS to the User, provided that such revocation or cancellation is agreed to and confirmed by the Platform Operator(s) or is required by applicable laws. In the event that the User requests for the online cancellation of the payments with Credit Card or redemption of LINE POINTS after 60 days from the date of payment by the Company of the Transaction Amounts to the Platform Operator(s) via the Services, the Company shall not be obliged to revoke or cancel the payment by the Company of the Transaction Amounts but may refund in cash to the User the Transaction Amounts it paid on behalf of the User if such cash refund is agreed to and confirmed by the Platform Operator(s) or is required by applicable laws; provided, however, that this cash refund arrangement is not applicable to LINE POINTS and the above mentioned arrangement of returning the LINE POINTS to the User shall apply. For the avoidance of doubt, given that the Company only provides limited credit card payment information transmission service and dose not involve itself in the fund flow of Payment Requests incurred from Business Partner Transactions, this Clause 5.1 will not apply to Business Partner Transactions; provided, however, that a bank or financial institution having cooperation relationship with the Company may handle the relevant settlement matters of LINE POINTS for the Company if so approved by the competent authorities. 



6.1 In the event that a court of law, a government agency, a regulatory authority, or a Platform Operator requests according to any applicable laws or regulations, any applicable provision of the Terms or dispute resolution procedure of the Services that the Company suspend making any payments to the Platform Operator(s), or a Credit Card holder declares through his/her Credit Card issuer or acquirer that he/she refuses to pay the Transaction Amount, the User agrees that the Company may hold the related amount in the Company's independent bank account described in Clause 4.7 above until the dispute is resolved. If the amount at issue has been paid to the bank account(s) of the Platform Operator(s), the Platform Operator(s) shall agree to return the amount upon receipt of a notice from the Company. In the case of the User's transactions with Business Partner(s), the holding of the payment amounts shall be governed by the agreements between the User and Business Partner(s).


6.2 Upon resolution of a dispute over an amount held in accordance with the above Clause 6.1 and as proved by proper evidence, the Company shall return the relevant amount to the User or the Platform Operator(s). In the case of the User's transactions with Business Partner(s), the holding of the payment amounts shall be governed by the agreements between the User and Business Partner(s). 



7.1 In connection with the use of this Website, the User's LINE Pay Account, the Services, or in the course of the User's interactions with the Company, other Users, the Platform Operator(s), Business Partner(s) or third parties, the User agrees not to engage in the following activities ("Prohibited Activities"): 


7.1.1 violating the Terms or any Policies applicable to the Services;


7.1.2 violating any applicable laws or regulations of any jurisdiction (including any anti-money laundering/countering of financing of terrorism laws or regulations), administrative orders or measures, judgments of any court of law or decisions of competent authorities;


7.1.3 endangering public order or good morals;


7.1.4 infringing upon the Company's or any third party's rights;


7.1.5 registering for a LINE Pay Account in another person's name; accessing the Services from a country that is not listed on the webpage of the Services; registering with the Services using false, inaccurate or misleading information; obtaining and using multiple LINE Pay Accounts; providing access of one's LINE Pay Account to other unauthorized users; using other Users' LINE Pay Accounts to access the Services;


7.1.6 using the Services or conducting transactions in Goods and Services without obtaining, where required or appropriate, the relevant authorization, permission, recognition, registration, or filing with the relevant regulatory authorities, or otherwise using the Services or conducting transactions in Goods and Services without complying with applicable laws; 


7.1.7 conducting transactions on any Platform that are fraudulent or illegal or conducting any false or fictitious transaction;


7.1.8 entering into contracts with the Company or any Platform Operator or Business Partner without the legal capacity to do so under the laws of the relevant jurisdictions;


7.1.9 using others' LINE Pay Accounts, or using invalid or others' financial institution accounts (including Credit Card accounts) to conduct transactions on any Platform;


7.1.10 buying articles or services banned or subject to restrictions by the law or international credit card organizations, or conducting any other illegal transactions or buying counterfeit goods;


7.1.11 proposing to use the Services to effect a transaction which falls outside of the scope of Services;


7.1.12 causing damage to the Company's or a third party's reputation and credit, or hindering the business activities of the Company or a third party;


7.1.13 interfering with the computer services of the Services or network system;


7.1.14 using technical means to manipulate the Services in an improper manner;


7.1.15 copying, altering or publicly transmitting the software, programs, databases and API used by the Company to provide the Services (unless the public transmission is required for using the Services), as well as using reverse engineering, disassembly or other methods to analyze the software, programs, databases and API; 


7.1.16 acting in a manner that is defamatory, trade libelous, threatening or harassing;


7.1.17 refusing to cooperate in an investigation or provide confirmation of identity or documents to support any information provided to the Company;


7.1.18 controlling a LINE Pay Account that is linked to another LINE Pay Account that has engaged in any of these Prohibited Activities;


7.1.19 conducting business or using the Services in a manner that results in or may result in complaints, disputes, claims, fees, fines, penalties and other liability to the Company, other Users, Platform Operator(s), Business Partner(s) third parties or the User himself;


7.1.20 having a credit score from a credit reporting agency that indicates a high level of risk associated with the User's use of the Services;


7.1.21 providing oneself with a cash advance from one's Credit Card (or helping others to do so);


7.1.22 converting LINE POINTS in cash via any methods or arrangements that is not agreed by the Company in advance;


7.1.23 hindering the normal operations of the Services; or 


7.1.24 exhibiting any other types of behavior deemed inappropriate by the Company.


7.2 If the User violates the Terms (including Clause 7.1 above or any terms of the Services) or if the User's payment is subject to seizure by a court ruling or prosecutor's order, the Company may suspend the provision of all or part of the Services to the User, or suspend the fulfillment of all or part of Company's obligations under the Terms, and may terminate the Terms in accordance with Clause 14 below. If the violation of the Terms causes any loss or damage to the Company, the User shall indemnify the Company.



8.1 If an error payment is made for any cause attributable to the Company, the Company shall be entitled to reverse the error payments that it discovers and shall promptly notify the User upon learning of the above facts. The User shall be required to cancel the originally approved payment of the erroneous Transaction Amount and make payment of the correct Transaction Amount via the User's Credit Card.


8.2 When an error payment is made for any cause attributable to the User such as by virtue of the User keying in the wrong Transaction Amounts or the wrong payees, the User shall notify the Company immediately so that the Company can assist the User in handling such error payment; provided that the User will not have any recourse against the Company. However, the User may contact the Platform Operator(s) or Business Partner(s) to whom he/she has utilized the Services to make the payment to and ask the Platform Operator(s) or Business Partner(s), as the case may be, to refund the payment. The Company will not reimburse the User or reverse a payment that the User has made in error. If an error payment is made for any cause not attributable to the User, the Company shall assist the User in rectifying such error and provide the User with other necessary assistance.



9.1 As soon as Users find or suspect that their LINE Pay Accounts or Passwords have been compromised or used in an unauthorized manner by any third party, they shall notify the Company by using the contact form found on the website of the Service at https://contact-cc.line.me/en/, and proceed to suspend the LINE Pay Accounts at issue so that the Company can take proper and timely measures against such events. However, any such measures taken shall not be taken as any explicit of implied indemnity from the Company to Users or any liability of the Company to Users.


9.2 As soon as the Company becomes aware that the User's LINE Pay Account or Password has been compromised or used in an unauthorized manner by any third party, the Company shall notify the User of such matter (provided that the Company need not notify the User if the Company is notified by the User of such matter), suspend any instructed payments from the User's LINE Pay Account and suspend accepting any subsequent Payment Requests to pay from such LINE Pay Account.


9.3 Any loss in connection with a compromised LINE Pay Account incurred after the Company completes the procedure for suspending a User's LINE Pay Account shall be borne by the Company. If any loss in connection with a compromised LINE Pay Account is incurred before such LINE Pay Account is suspended, such loss shall be solely borne by the User under any of the following circumstances:


9.3.1 The User fails to properly safeguard the Password to the LINE Pay Account.


9.3.2 The User provides the Password to a third party.


9.3.3 The User fails to use the Services in accordance with the account security mechanism provided by the Company.


9.3.4 Any other circumstance owing to the User's intentional conduct or gross negligence.


9.4 The fees for investigating matters related to the User's compromised LINE Pay Account or Password shall be borne by the Company.



10.1 The Company will take proper measures to ensure the security of the data on the information system of the Services, and the Company has obtained ISO27001 and PCI DSS information security certifications. Nevertheless, the User shall also ensure the security of his/her information system and prevent third parties from illegally hacking, obtaining, altering, or damaging his/her business records or personal data. 


10.2 If any disputes arise from a third party's bypassing of the measures and mechanism for protecting the company's information system or using loopholes in such information system, the Company will bear the burden of proving that the aforementioned circumstances do not exist. 


10.3 The Company shall indemnify the User against any loss or damage arising out of a third party's hacking into the company's information system, provided that the Company shall not be held liable if such hacking is attributable to the User. 



11.1 The User agrees to defend, indemnify and hold the Company, its parent, subsidiaries and affiliates, and its officers, directors, agents, joint ventures, employees and supplies (the "Indemnitees") harmless from any claim, demand, damage, cost, or liability (including without limitation reasonable legal fees) which any of the Indemnitees may suffer or suffers in connection with or arising from the User or the User's employees' or agents' breach of the Terms and/or Policies. 


11.2 The Services are provided on a "AS IS" and "AS AVAILABLE" basis. The Company and its Indemnitees make no representations, warranties, or undertakings (whether express or implied) regarding LINE Pay, the Services, and any of the content on the website of the Services. All representations, warranties, or undertakings including but not limited to representations, warranties, or undertakings of accuracy, reliability, merchantability, satisfaction, quality, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement, are expressly excluded or disclaimed to the greatest extent permitted by law. The Company reserves the right to add, delete or modify the relevant systems or functions of the Service in whole or in part. 


11.3 The system of the Services will periodically back up data. The Company shall not be held liable for compensation for erroneous deletion or wrong or failed backup of any data. 


11.4 The User is solely responsible for all matters related to the transactions made between him/her and the Platform Operator(s) or Business Partner(s), as the case may be, including the negotiations of the transaction terms, deliver and receipt of Goods and Services, payment for Goods and Services, cancellation or termination of sale and purchase agreements, provision of warranties against defects, and handling of product returns and refunds. The Company shall not be responsible or held liable for any transactions between the User and the Platform Operator(s) or Business Partner(s). 


11.5 Suggestions and information which the User receives from the Company or the Company's staff members or via the Services, either in writing or orally, shall not constitute any warranty, undertaking or representation made by the Company in connection to the Services. 


11.6 To the maximum extent permitted by law, the Company and its Indemnitees expressly disclaim and exclude any and all INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, CONSEQUENTIAL, PUNITIVE loss or damage (including loss of business, revenue, profits, use of data, or other economic benefits) which may be suffered by the User (or any person claiming under or through the User) in connection with or however arising from the User's access and/or usage of the Services/website of the Services, whether or not (a) the same arises in contract, tort (including negligence) howsoever; (b) such loss or damage is foreseeable and/or (c) the Company has received prior notification of the possibility thereof. 


11.7 The aforesaid disclaimers and exclusions in Clause 11.6 above shall apply to the fullest extent permissible under law, but shall not apply in respect of any liability, loss or damage relating to:


11.7.1 death of personal injury caused by the negligence of the Company;


11.7.2 fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation; or 


11.7.3 any other liability which may not be excluded by law.


11.8 The total liability of the Company, whether in contract, tort (including negligence) or otherwise and whether in connection with the Terms or any collateral agreement shall be limited to the aggregate Transaction Amounts paid by the User in the immediately preceding three months.


11.9 Some or all of these limitations or exclusions in the Terms may not apply to the User if the User's state, province or country does not allow the limitation or exclusion of liability for incidental or consequential damages.



12.1 In any of the following situations, the Company may suspend or interrupt the Services in whole or in part, and Users shall not claim any indemnity or compensation therefor;


12.1.1 The suspension or interruption is for relocating, replacing, maintaining, updating or repairing the software or hardware facilities of the Services.


12.1.2 The Company has determined in its sole discretion that Users have used the Services in violation of the law, the Terms or any other requirements. 


12.1.3 The Services are suspended or interrupted, or cannot operate normally because of a Force Majeure Event. For the avoidance of doubt, Force Majeure Event means any cause beyond the control of any Party, including without limitation, acts of God, acts of civil or military authority, fires, strikes, lockouts or labour disputes, epidemics, governmental restrictions, wars, terrorist acts, riots, earthquakes, storms, typhoons, floods and breakdowns in electronic and computer information and communications systems.


12.1.4 The Services are suspended or interrupted, or cannot operate normally because of acts of thirds parties, or other causes not attributable to the Company. 


12.1.5 The Company finds after investigation that Users have provided false identity information for authentication.



13.1 The Users agrees and acknowledges that nothing in these Terms shall constitute the grant of any right, title or interest in or to any intellectual property rights used in connection with or comprised in the Services, all of which rights are retained by Company and its licensors. 



14.1 The User may at any time terminate the Terms by logging on to the Internet to effect the discontinuation of his/her LINE Pay Account with the Services. Upon the termination of the Terms, the Company will cancel any pending transactions. 


14.2 A User may not evade an investigation by closing his/her LINE Pay Account. If the User closes his/her LINE Pay Account while the Company is conducting an investigation, the Company may hold any Transaction Amounts made to protect the Company, its parent, subsidiaries and affiliates or a third party against the risk of legal claims, fees, fines, penalties and other liability. The User will remain liable for all obligations related to his/her LINE Pay Account even after the LINE Pay Account is closed.


14.3 The User agrees that Clauses 11, 13 to 16 of the Terms as well as any other terms which by their nature should survive, shall survive the termination of the Terms. 


14.4 The Company may amend the Terms at any time when it deems necessary, including modifying relevant regulations, and Policies that have or will be announced. The amended Terms shall be clearly announced on the Website of the Services and notified to the User via any other means as may be agreed by the Company and the User from time to time, and shall take effect from the time of the announcement and the time when the notice is provided to the User, whichever is later. By continuing to use the Services and/or any part thereof after the amendments, the User accepts and agrees to be bound by the amended terms in their entirety. If the User does not agree with any amended terms, the Company may terminate the User's access/use of the Services and shall not be held liable for any loss or damage that the User may suffer from the termination unless such loss or damage is attributable to the Company.



15.1 The Company's goal is to learn about and address the User's concerns and, should the Company be unable to do so to the User's satisfaction, to provide the User with a neutral and cost effective means of resolving the dispute quickly. If a dispute arises between the User and the Company regarding the Services, such dispute may be reported to the Company in accordance with Clause 16.11 of the Terms below. 


15.2 The User agrees that unless otherwise required by law, any claim or dispute arising out of, or in connection with, the Terms, shall be brought to arbitration pursuant to the Arbitration Act of the ROC and the Arbitration Rules of the Chinese Arbitration Association, Taipei. The arbitration shall be conducted in the Chinese language and in Taipei, Taiwan. The arbitration award shall be final and binding upon the Company and the User. The Terms shall be governed in all respects by, and be construed in accordance with, the laws of the ROC. In addition, if any provision in the Terms is unclear or ambiguous, such provision shall be interpreted in favor of the User. 


15.3 All claims brought against the Company must be resolved in accordance with this Clause 15 of the Terms. All claims filed or brought contrary to this Clause 15 shall be considered improperly filed and a breach of the Terms. Should any party file a claim contrary to this Clause 15, the Company may recover all reasonable attorneys' fees and costs (including in-house attorneys and paralegals) incurred as a result of the improperly filed claim, provided that the Company has notified the User in writing of such improperly filed claim, and the User has failed to promptly withdraw the claim. 


15.4 If any proceeding by or against the User is commenced under any provision of any bankruptcy or insolvency law, the Company will be entitled to recover all reasonable costs or expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees and expenses) incurred in connection with the enforcement of the Terms.


15.5 If the User has a dispute with one or more Users, the Platform Operator(s) or Business Partner(s), the Users shall release the Company, its parent, subsidiaries and affiliates, from any and all claims, demands and damages (actual and consequential) of every kind and nature arising out of or in any way connected with such disputes. 



16.1 Entire Agreement. The User acknowledges and agrees that the (a) relevant handling procedures; (b) the descriptions of the Services; and (c) the guidelines for using the Services, posted on the Website of the Services shall govern all other matters in connection to the User's access and use of the Services which are not otherwise provided for in the Terms. For the avoidance of doubt, the Policies shall constitute an integral part of the Terms.


16.2 Assignment. The Terms and all the rights and obligations of the Company under them may be assigned, transferred, novated or otherwise dealt with by the Company and will inure to the benefit of the successors and assigns of the Company, and the User shall do all things necessary to facilitate such assignment, transfer, novation or dealing. The Terms and all rights and obligations of the User under the Terms are personal to the User and the User shall not delegate, assign, sub-license or sub-contract any of the those rights and/or obligations to any third party without the Company's prior written consent. 


16.3 Electronic Messages. The User agrees that electronic messages exchanged via the Services and used by the Company shall have the same effects as written documents, and that in the event of any trial, arbitration, mediation or any other statutory dispute resolution proceedings for any disputes between the parties over use of such messages, the User may not assert that such electronic messages do not meet the requirements of written or signed documents and should be deemed invalid or not existing. 


16.4 Severability. If any term or provision contained in the Terms is found or held to be illegal or void or voidable or unenforceable, the legality, validity and enforceability of the remainder of the Terms shall not be affected and the remainder of the Terms shall remain in full force and effect. The User agrees that the Company may amend the illegal, void, voidable or unenforceable part of the Terms provided that the amendment shall reflect the intention expressed by the Terms to the extent permitted by law. 


16.5 Translated Agreement. Any translation of the Terms is provided solely for the User's convenience and is not intended to modify the provision of the Terms. In the event of a conflict between the English version of the Terms and a version in a language other than English, the English version shall prevail. 


16.6 Third Party Rights: A person who is not a party to the Terms has no right to enforce any term of the Terms.


16.7 No Waiver. No omission or delay on the Company's part in exercising any or part of its rights under the Terms shall operate as a waiver thereof. 


16.8 Notice. Except as otherwise provided in the Terms, any notice provided by the Company to the User hereunder shall: 


16.8.1 be in writing and in the Chinese language, provided that the Company may provide any notice in English when it deems necessary and may be duly given by the Company to the User by (i) prominently posting the notice on the Company Website; or (ii) any other notification method which the Company may determine from time to time; and 


16.8.2 be deemed to have been received and effective for the purposes set out in the Terms, (a) in the case of posts on the Company's Website, within 24 hours of the posting of such notice; (b) in the case of notifications sent to User's official LINE messaging account via the LINE messaging application, at the time such messages are sent by the Company; (c) in the case of the letter, delivered personally by hand when left at the relevant address or two (2) days after it has been put into the post; (d) in the case of a fax, at the time of dispatch when a complete and legible copy is received by the addressee and (e) in any other case, at the time the notification is posted or sent by the Company.


16.9 If no address has been provided to the Company by the User, notice may be duly given by the Company to the User when prominently posted on line.me/pay and the User should regularly review that site for any notices.


16.10 Except as otherwise stated in the Terms, no notice shall be binding on the Company unless sent by the User to the Company via the Company's Website at line.me/pay or via Consumer Dispute Resolution and Complaint (Customer Service) Website at https://contact-cc.line.me/en/


16.11 The Company's Information for Consumer Dispute Resolution and Complaint (Customer Service):

Customer Service Online Contact Link: https://contact-cc.line.me/en/

Customer Service Hotline: (02)6631-5166

Customer Service Hour: Monday through Sunday 9 a.m. to 22:00 p.m. (365 days)


16.12 Trust and Beneficiaries' Meetings

16.12.1 Definition "Payment Proceeds" refers to the Transaction Amounts paid by buyers, (i.e., Users, hereinafter the same) via Credit Card for transactions and, as instructed thereby, which are transferred by the Company, its designated person, or its performing assistants, to the sellers (i.e., Platform Operators, hereinafter the same) after such transaction have occurred. "Trust Account" refers to the New Taiwan Dollar Trust Property account opened by the Company at the banking department of Cathay United Bank based on the Trust Agreement signed between the Company and Cathay United Bank. This account is managed by Cathay United Bank for the Payment Proceeds specified in the Trust Agreement. It also includes any New Taiwan Dollar Trust Property accounts opened in the name of Cathay United Bank as the trustee under the Trust Agreement at other banks or Chunghwa Post Co., Ltd., established for the management of the Payment Proceeds specified in the Trust Agreement. "Trust Agreement Users" refers to the buyers, the sellers, and the acquirers that accept and/or use the collection and payment services of Transaction Amounts provided by the Company. In the event of the following circumstances, the beneficial rights to the Trust Property shall automatically vest in the Trust Agreement Users, and each Trust Agreement User shall enjoy beneficial rights in the trust to the maximum extent of the amount of Payment Proceeds authorized for collection and payment by the Company: 

(1) The Company undergoes dissolution, liquidation, bankruptcy, reorganization, revocation of permission, cancellation of registration, suspension of business for more than three (3) consecutive months, closure of business, or other events that result in the Company's inability to perform its contractual obligations for collection and payment of Transaction Amounts or its duties as a payment agent ("Failure to Perform") (provided that despite in the event of a Failure to Perform by the Company, if the Company can still instruct Cathay United Bank to transfer or return the Trust Property to the Trust Agreement Users, it shall not be deemed a Failure to Perform, and the beneficial rights in the trust shall remain being vested in the Company); or (2) The beneficial rights in the Trust Property shall be vested in Trust Agreement Users in accordance with the provisions of the Trust Agreement or other laws and regulations. "Trust Property" refers to (1) the property pre-deposited into the Trust Account by the Company after the execution of the Trust Agreement; (2) the funds from Credit Card transactions that the Company instructs the acquirers to directly deposit into the Trust Account during the term of the Trust Agreement; (3) any supplemental property deposited into the Trust Account by the Company in accordance with the provisions of the Trust Agreement and the notice of Cathay United Bank; and (4) any other funds deposited into the Trust Account with the consent of Cathay United Bank.

16.12.2 The User acknowledges and agrees that all Payment Proceeds collected by the Company will be deposited into the Trust Account opened with Cathay United Bank, designated exclusively for exclusive purpose of the Trust, with the Company as the beneficiary, rather than the buyers and sellers involved in the transactions using the collection and payment services. Funds not deposited into the Trust Account do not constitute Trust Property, and Cathay United Bank has no obligation or duty to manage or press for payment of such funds.

16.12.3 The User agrees that, the Company may provide the User's personal data (for example, relevant personal data collected, processed and utilized for the purpose of convening a beneficiaries' meeting) to the Cathay United Bank (including any third party delegated by the Cathay United Bank to handle affairs in accordance with the law), and that the Cathay United Bank may collect, process, or utilize such personal data within the scope of the specific purposes of handling trust-related matters for the Company's collection and payment services for Payment Proceeds. 

16.12.4 The User acknowledges and agrees that, in accordance with the provisions of the Trust Agreement, when the beneficial rights to the Trust Property vest in the Trust Agreement Users, and Cathay United Bank determines it is necessary to convene a beneficiaries' meeting, or in the event that a beneficiaries' meeting is required by other Trust Agreements or applicable laws, the procedures for convening the beneficiaries' meeting, the methods of resolution, the calculation of voting rights, the meeting rules, and other matters to be adhered to shall be conducted in accordance with the "Guidelines for Beneficiaries' Meetings of Trust for Payment Collected/Paid as an Agent by the Third-Party Payment Service Provider" ("Meeting Guidelines"), unless otherwise provided by the applicable laws. The Meeting Guidelines shall be effective for those Trust Agreement Users upon becoming beneficiaries of the Trust Property. For the avoidance of doubt, the term "User" in the Meeting Guidelines refers to "Trust Agreement Users" as defined in Clause For details of the Meeting Guidelines, please refer to the "Guidelines for Beneficiaries' Meetings of Trust for Payment Collected/Paid as an Agent by the Third-Party Payment Service Provider" section on the Company's official website: https://terms2.line.me/linepay_TSP_Escrow_TOS?lang=zh-Hant&country=TW (if you accessing the Services using a computer), or https://terms2.line.me/linepay_TSP_Escrow_TOS?lang=zh-Hant&country=TW (if you accessing the Services using a mobile device)


The User may check the previous version(s) of the Terms at https://terms2.line.me/linepay_TW_TOS_before20231001?lang=zh-Hant (if you accessing the Services using a computer) or https://terms2.line.me/linepay_TW_TOS_before20231001/sp?lang=zh-Hant (if you are accessing the Services using a mobile devices). 


The Terms is updated on December 23, 2024.