MyShop Terms and Conditions of Service for Sellers

These MyShop Terms and Conditions of Service for Sellers (hereinafter referred to as the “Terms of Service for Sellers”) set forth the terms and conditions for the use of MyShop service (hereinafter referred to as the “MyShop Service”) provided by LY Corporation as the service provider and LINE Company (Thailand) Limited and its affiliates as the distributor (collectively, “we”, “us”, or “our”). In addition to the provisions of the Terms of Service for Sellers, LINE Official Account Terms of UseOA Plus Terms and Conditions of Service, LY Corporation Common Terms of Use, and guidelines established by us shall also be applied to the use of MyShop Service (collectively, the “Related Terms of Service”), and the Seller shall be deemed to agree to the Related Terms of Service if the Seller agrees to the Terms of Service for Sellers. In the event of any conflict between the Terms of Service for Sellers, LINE Official Account Terms of Use, OA Plus Terms and Conditions of Service, and LY Corporation Common Terms of Use, the Terms of Service for Sellers shall prevail. The Terms of Service for Sellers shall be the highest precedence, followed by LINE Official Account Terms of Use, OA Plus Terms and Conditions of Service, and LY Corporation Common Terms of Use, respectively. In this regard, the Seller is responsible for compliance with all applicable laws and regulations when using MyShop Service. Any capitalized terms not defined herein shall have the meaning(s) set forth in LINE Official Account Terms of Use, OA Plus Terms and Conditions of Service, and LY Corporation Common Terms of Use.

1.     MyShop Service

1.1 We provide MyShop Service as a part of LINE Official Account service and OA Plus service and as a marketplace for the Seller to sell products and services to LINE users (hereinafter referred to as the “Purchaser”). For the avoidance of doubt, the “Seller” in the Terms of Service for Sellers shall refer to the Customer as defined in LINE Official Account Terms of Use, including MyShop store owned by the Seller, who uses this MyShop Service to sell his/her products and/or services (hereinafter referred to as 

the “Merchandise”). When the Seller makes a sale through MyShop Service, the Seller is selling the Merchandise to the Purchaser, not to us. The Seller agrees that we are neither an agent of the Seller nor the Purchaser in any respect and have no authority to act on the Seller’s or the Purchaser’s behalf. We require the Seller to register in order to use MyShop Service, whereby the information required for registration 

(i.e., telephone number, email, store’s address, bank name, bank branch, and account holder’s name) shall be used for the purposes of registration, as well as being maintained and handled in accordance with LY Corporation Privacy Policy and the respective privacy protection provisions under LINE Official Account Terms of Use. We shall not be held responsible for any liabilities as to the transactions between 
the Purchaser and the Seller even if such transactions are made through MyShop Service and shall not make any warranties or representation to either the Purchaser or the Seller. In case of any disputes and conflicts, the Purchaser and the Seller shall settle among themselves, and we shall not be held responsible for any liabilities relating thereto.

1.2 The Seller must log in before using MyShop Service with his/her LINE for Business Account that the Seller has applied for, in which the Seller must correctly fill his/her username and password or scan the QR Code (in the case of logging in using a computer) to verify his/her identity to use this MyShop Service.

In any case, the Seller may use LINE Chat Application Account already connected to LINE for Business Account to log in so as to verify his/her identity before using MyShop service.

1.3 We hereby notify the Seller that we do not sell or provide our own products on LINE SHOPPING Platform. Accordingly, we do not handle our products and services and the Seller’s Merchandise and services differently. Furthermore, we do not sell or provide our own supplementary products or services to be used in conjunction with
the Seller’s Merchandise and services.  

1.4 We do not apply any terms and conditions that restrict or prevent the offering for sales or services of the Seller in this MyShop Service or in other channels.

1.5 We do not use any ranking or recommending algorithm for MyShop Service usage. However, we have created special badges, special marks, or any other marks that distinguish the Seller’s store to be outstanding from other generic stores, whereby the Seller may read additional details at this link.

1.6 As MyShop Service does not provide any review system or ask the Seller to give any comments on MyShop Service usage, the Seller cannot review his/her satisfaction or express his/her opinions regarding MyShop Service usage.

2.     Termination or Suspension of MyShop Service Provision and Seller’s Clarification and Objection Channel

2.1 We may terminate MyShop Service provision to any Seller involved in the following activities (hereinafter referred to as the “Prohibited Activities”) immediately without prior notice:
   (a) violating any provisions of the Terms of Service for Sellers, Terms and Conditions of Payment Service SystemLINE Official Account Terms of Use, OA Plus Terms and Conditions of Service, and LY Corporation Common Terms of Use;

   (b) interfering, obstructing, or restricting MyShop Service, LINE Platform, LINE services, or other Sellers or Purchasers, or upon our reasonable ground to suspect thereof, which results in any damage or disturbance thereto;
   (c) upon the ground to suspect that the Seller may offer Merchandise and services in an abnormal and/or wrongful manner with an intent to commit fraud or scam conducts;
   (d) engaging in other activities as we deem unlawful;
   (e) using or allowing a third party to use MyShop Service or LINE Platform for illicit purposes;
   (f) altering any information or content provided by us within MyShop Service without our consent;
   (g) committing violent acts, threatening acts, or verbal expressions, or making improper requests to us, including to post, promote, or transmit through the LINE Platform or this MyShop Service;
   (h) being anti-social forces or having any relationship with anti-social forces;
   (i) infringing upon our intellectual property rights and other rights or those of a third party; 
   (j) violating or threatening to violate any applicable laws and regulations, common code of conduct relevant to the use of the internet, or the public order and good social morals; or
   (k) impersonating any person or entity, falsely stating, or otherwise misrepresenting your affiliation with any person or entity.

In addition, we may proceed with any of the following measures upon the termination of MyShop Service provision:

(a) requesting any information from the Seller in connection with MyShop Service usage and/or any access to LINE Platform for verification purposes;
(b) reporting any activities with our suspicion of the laws or regulations violation to relevant governmental agencies and cooperating with such agencies;
(c) holding any payment temporarily for verification in order to prevent any potential risk that might cause any liability to us or a third party; and/or
(d) taking any other measures as we deem necessary and appropriate. 

2.2 We may provide notice or warning, or temporarily suspend MyShop Service provision, wholly or partly, if there is an occurrence of any of the following events, provided that we shall notify the Seller in writing prior to or at the time of suspension with brief details (e.g. facts, circumstances, and conditions and period for returning the service usage status, estimated period for the suspension (if possible)) via the LINE Official Account @linemyshop or at at the time of suspension of MyShop Service provision:

(a) In case of maintenance or repair of MyShop Service system which we will notify the Seller prior to the suspension, except in the case that we have an urgent need to conduct such maintenance or repair where we will notify the Seller as soon as possible;
(b) In case of a temporary failure to provide MyShop Service caused by certain force majeure events, e.g., accident (fire, blackout, etc.), natural phenomenon, war, riot, and labor dispute;
(c) In case of system breakdown or overload;
(d) To maintain the security of the Sellers or third parties, or to carry out any mission for public interest in case of an emergency;
(e) Any conduct in other activities as we deem inappropriate;
(f) In case the Seller has registered or displayed incorrect or outdated information in LINE Official Account service or MyShop Service; and/or
(g) In other events not provided in Clause 2.1 and 2.3 as we deem necessary and reasonable.

In this regard, we will return MyShop Service status to the Seller within 7 (seven) days after the end of such events or force majeure stipulated under (a) (b) (c) (d) and (f) only, or within 10 (ten) days after the cause of such events stipulated under (e) and (g) becomes known to us, except in the case that we are unable to return MyShop Service status to the Seller even within 7 (seven) days or 10 (ten) days after the end of such events or force majeure, as the case may be, as a result of other external factors beyond our control, we will notify the Seller via MyShop application, MyShop Official Account, or

Furthermore, we may additionally proceed with any of the following measures during the suspension of MyShop Service provision or after the Seller is permitted to resume the use of MyShop Service:

(a) suspending or revoking any rights or privileges, including but not limited to any rewards or other benefits from sale or marketing promotional activities;
(b) controlling access to contents, activities, or any information, as appropriate, on LINE Platform and/or MyShop Service;
(c) requesting any information from the Seller in connection with the MyShop Service usage and/or any access to LINE Platform for verification purposes upon the ground to suspect that such Seller could violate the laws or the Terms of Service for Sellers;
(d) reporting any activities with our suspicion of the laws or regulations violation to relevant governmental agencies and cooperating with such agencies;
(e) holding any payment temporarily for verification in order to prevent any potential risk that might cause any liability to us or a third party; and/or
(f) taking any other measures as we deem necessary and appropriate.

2.3 In addition to the Prohibited Activities stipulated in Clause 2.1 above, we may terminate MyShop Service provision to the Seller, provided that we shall notify such Seller in writing at least 30 (thirty) days in advance (or within the period stipulated by laws) with brief details (e.g., facts, circumstances, grounds, conditions, and period for returning the service usage status) via MyShop application, MyShop Official Account, or

In the event of termination of MyShop Service provision to the Seller due to any grounds provided in this Clause, we will not return MyShop Service status to the Seller in any circumstance.

2.4 The Sellers who are suspended or terminated from the use of MyShop Service may clarify the facts and reasons at

However, in case of the termination of MyShop Service provision as per Clause 2.1, we will not return MyShop Service status to the Seller unless such Seller can clarify the facts and reasons to our satisfaction, or if we consider that such Seller is not involved in the Prohibited Activities, we will return MyShop Service status to the Seller within 14 (fourteen) days following the day that the Seller has clarified the facts and reasons.

2.5 In the event that we suspend or terminate MyShop Service provision, the Seller may request for his/her personal data or other data gained from the use of MyShop Service prior to the suspension or termination thereof via

3.     Grant of License


The Seller hereby grants us a non-exclusive, royalty-free, worldwide, and irrevocable license to collect, copy, publish, use, reproduce, distribute, transfer, disclose, transmit, and display information about the Seller’s Merchandise (including but not limited to the Merchandise’s images, pictures, Merchandise ID, Merchandise’s name, Merchandise’s description and information, Merchandise’s category ID, Merchandise’s category, universal product code (UPC), Merchandise’s price, keywords for searching the Merchandise (collectively, the “Merchandise Information”)) the Seller’s name, store’s name, trademarks, service marks, and logos during the use of MyShop Service to LINE SHOPPING service and LINE Ads service as well as other services provided by LY Corporation and LINE Company (Thailand) Limited (including but not limited to their affiliate, business partner, partnership) for the purposes of developing, promoting and advertising MyShop Service. 

The license granted under this Clause shall include but is not limited to the rights under Article 27 and Article 28 of the Japanese Copyright Act.

4.     Intellectual Property Rights

4.1 The intellectual property rights in and to MyShop Service, LINE Platform, LINE Chat Application, our services, any software, source code, and programs in whatever forms used and provided by us including but not limited to any works, pictures, files, information, materials, contents, structure, layout, design, etc., are owned by us. The aforesaid intellectual property rights shall include but are not limited to trademarks, brand names, logos, patents, copyrights, trade secrets, and know-how (hereinafter referred to as the “Intellectual Property”) displayed on MyShop Service are our property or of those third parties who hold their ownerships. No one may use, copy, modify, reproduce, publicly broadcast, publicly transmit, publicly perform, modify, distribute, circulate, publish, perform, reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble our Intellectual Property rights as aforesaid without prior consent from us or other rights holders. In case the Seller wishes to use LINE SHOPPING trademark for the purpose of conducting marketing public relations only, the Seller may use the aforesaid trademark in such case without having to request our consent any further, and such use shall solely be subject to our additional terms (if any).

Furthermore, the use of robot, spider, or any other automatic device, or manual process to monitor or copy the contents of this MyShop Service without our prior written consent is prohibited.

4.2 We hereby license a limited and revocable right to access and use this MyShop Service in accordance with the Terms of Service for Sellers; provided that, the Seller shall comply with the laws on copyrights, trademarks, service marks, and all other applicable laws. 

4.3 We have the right to protect all Intellectual Property rights whether they are owned by us or the Seller on LINE Platform.

4.4 If any Seller is in breach of any provisions under this Clause, the Seller shall be held responsible for indemnifying us of our damage, losses, and expenses.

5.     Representations and Warranties of the Seller’s Merchandise

5.1 The Seller hereby represents and warrants to us as follows:
(1) the Seller is located in and has good standing under the laws of the country in which the Seller uses MyShop Service;
(2) the Seller is not and does not have any relationship with any anti-social forces; and
(3) the Seller has full right and authority to grant all rights and licenses under these Terms of Service for Sellers without any claim, lien, and obligations.

5.2 The Seller hereby represents and warrants that all Merchandise Information are in accordance with the following characteristics:
(1) being truthful, accurate, and not misleading or otherwise deceptive;
(2) not infringing upon any third-party intellectual property rights, such as copyright, patent, trademark, trade secret, rights of publicity or privacy;
(3) not violating any laws, rules, ordinances, or regulations; and
(4) not unlawfully defamatory, libelous, threatening or harassing.

5.3 The Seller reserves the right to terminate the contract made with the Purchaser in case the Seller erroneously sets up the Merchandise’s prices or in case the inventory at the Seller’s store in MyShop Service is insufficient. In such cases, the Seller shall be obliged to notify the Purchaser of such termination within 3 (three) business days from the Purchaser’s payment date for the Merchandise, provided, however, that if the Seller fails to exercise his/her entitlement to terminate the contract within the aforementioned period, the Seller warrants that he/she shall be held liable to the Purchaser for the orders that have been successfully paid therefor.

In this regard, the Seller is entitled to terminate the contract with such Purchaser in the aforementioned case, regardless of whether the Merchandise have been dispatched or are during the shipping, and regardless of whether the Seller has asked the Purchaser to make the payment or not.

5.4 The Seller hereby represents and warrants that the Seller will not list, offer, or sell any of the following items:

(1) stolen or counterfeit items;
(2) items that infringe upon any third-party intellectual property rights, such as copyright, patent, trademark, trade secret, rights of publicity or privacy;
(3) items that the Seller does not have a right or license to sell them;
(4) items that contain any viruses, trojan horses, worms, or other computer programming routines that may damage, detrimentally interfere with, surreptitiously intercept or expropriate any system, data or personal information;
(5) items or services that are illegal, contrary in any manner to good public morality, government regulations, or requirements stipulated by us, or may affect our image, including but not limited to: 

  • - prostitution and human trafficking, for example, offering oneself and/or others for prostitution, and dating;
  • - alcoholic drinks;
  • - counterfeit money and/or money selling;
  • - human remains and body parts;
  • - stolen property;
  • - prohibited services such as informal debt collection services, pawning, mortgages, hire purchases, and massage parlors;
  • - surrogacy service (delivering a child for the mother) or childbirth arrangement;
  • - cigarettes, electronic cigarettes, tobacco, as well as smoking cessation products that contain nicotine;
  • - certain drugs and psychotropic substances, for example, heroin, opium, and oxycodone;
  • - digital assets, digital currencies, or businesses related thereto, private investment such as FOREX and real estate (products or services offered by financial institutions, banks, securities companies, and digital asset businesses permitted by the relevant government agencies (for certain exceptions only));
  • - wild animals, reserved wild animals, and certain types of wildlife products such as ivory;
  • - any action related to a predicate offense under the laws on anti-money laundering, including (but not limited to) human trafficking under the laws on prevention and suppression of human trafficking, offenses related to illegal customs evasion under the laws on customs, and illegal acts under the laws on the protection of intellectual property that are commercial in nature;
  • - Merchandise related to national security, for example, national flags or emblems representing the state in order to disrespect the nation;
  • - prohibited goods according to the Commodities Control Act B.E. 2495 (1952);
  • - prohibited goods according to the Consumer Protection Act B.E. 2522 (1979) (hereinafter referred to as the “Consumer Protection Act”) such as electric water boilers that heat water by passing an electric current through the water directly, or electric water boilers with bare terminals, fashionable dental braces, water coolers with lead-lined water tank or lead water pipe, cookware or food containers using lead as welds, electric stun guns for pranking, blowing balloons, electronic cigarettes and baraku, or hookah pipes;
  • - gambling Merchandise and services, for example, Pachinko, football gambling, and banned online games under laws;
  • - adult and obscene Merchandise, for example documents, sketches, publications, drawings, pictures, posters, symbols, photographs, and movies containing obscene images and sex-related Merchandise;
  • - weapons;
  • - financial and securities businesses such as securities trading or loan granting;
  • - foreign currency exchange business;
  • - businesses supporting political parties.


(6) any other items that may incur liability or pose a risk to us, such as the Merchandise which shall be subject to a prior permission or a required license from government agencies (i.e., mandatory standard products under industrial product standards law, drugs law, food law).

6.     Policy, Procedure, Measure, and Tools for Handling Merchandise Considered Illegal

6.1 We hereby notify the Seller that in providing this MyShop Service, we do not allow the Seller to sell illegal Merchandise or provide illegal services, including the Merchandise prohibited by laws from being sold or provided via electronic channels.

In the event that we detect the sale of illegal Merchandise or the provision of illegal services, or any sale of the Merchandise with sale or service prohibition via electronic channels, we shall suspend the provision of MyShop Service to such Seller until the Seller has clarified and provided evidence to prove to satisfaction that the Merchandise of such store are lawful or are not prohibited Merchandise or services as such, provided that the consideration and decision thereof shall be subject to our sole discretion.

6.2 We hereby notify the Seller that we will deploy our inspection team, including our word detection system, as a tool to inspect and detect illegal Merchandise, as well as the Merchandise prohibited from being sold or provided via electronic channels.

7.     Order Information

7.1 The information relating to MyShop Service provision as specified below shall be collectively referred to as the “Order Information”:

(a) Purchaser’s information: Purchaser’s name, shipping address, phone number, email, purchased Merchandise;
(b) Order: order number, order date, last modified date of order, Merchandise’s name, Merchandise’s category, Merchandise code, Merchandise’s brand, Merchandise’s price, number of Merchandise purchased by the Purchaser, SKU, Barcode, Merchandise’s name, variants (color, size), expiry date of order, coupon code, discount value of coupon, number of discounted order offered by the system, value of discount additionally offered by the store, order cancellation notes from the Seller, additional notes by the Purchaser, additional notes by the Seller;
(c) Proof of Payment: wire transfer amount, wire transfer date, wire transfer time, wire transfer slip image or receipt (consisting of date and time, the Purchaser’s name, the Purchaser’s bank account name, the Purchaser’s bank account number (partial), the Seller’s name, the Seller’s bank account name, the Seller’s bank account number (partial), transaction number, amount, fee, price);
(d) Payment Method: such payment methods specified under the payment service system provided by LINE Company (Thailand) Limited, the Seller’s bank account number;
(e) Shipment Information: order number, Merchandise shipping date, Merchandise recipient’s personal information, Merchandise pick-up and shipping location, latest status, Merchandise value, shipping fee, shipping fee discount, shipping methods, shipment tracking number, shipping company name, shipping status; 
(f) Merchandise inventory: Merchandise’s name, variant, reserved amount, ready-to-ship amount, available amount, and total on-hand amount in the system; and
(g) Other information: note of the recipient, gift card message, message between the Purchaser or the Seller and the sender.

7.2 The Seller shall strictly manage the Order Information in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations and may only use the Order Information to perform his/her obligations and services relating to transactions between the Seller and the Purchaser through MyShop Service in accordance with the Terms of Service for Sellers and all applicable laws and regulations. In addition, the Seller shall not:

(1) disclose or convey any Order Information to a third party, except for the cases permitted under laws to disclose the Order Information thereto; or
(2) use the Order Information for purposes other than the performance of obligations to the Purchaser. However, the Seller acknowledges that the Order
Information shall be used only during the term of MyShop Service as specified in the agreement between us and the Seller, and it shall not collect, use, distribute, or disclose any Order Information upon the expiration or termination thereof;

7.3 The Seller agrees that we may collect, process, and use the Merchandise sales data, information of Merchandise available for sale, Merchandise shipping information, Merchandise inventory, history of successful sales of Merchandise, or various activities that occur in MyShop Service or behavior of the Seller (collectively, the “Seller Information”) within or relating to MyShop Service for the following purposes:

(1) utilizing, browsing, and associating the Seller Information together with other business partners for meta-analysis for MyShop Service and our other services as we deem appropriate;
(2) maintaining, developing, and improving MyShop Service provision;
(3) providing targeted and optimized advertisements by us or our partners on or through MyShop Service or through LINE SHOPPING service;
(4) placing targeted and optimized advertisements by us or our partners on the Internet, MyShop Service or in other media;
(5) measuring the effectiveness of advertisements on the Internet, MyShop Service or in other media; and/or
(6) detecting or preventing fraud, unauthorized use, abuse, or unlawful activities of services provided by us.

7.4 The Seller consents and permits that we may use any information that you provided to us (including the personal information) or deliver such information to a third party for the purposes of transmitting computer data, electronic mail, telephone, or any communication devices in relation to the following purposes:

(1) any amendment to the Terms of Service for Sellers or any terms and conditions related to MyShop Service;
(2) sales and marketing promotions;
(3) any notifications to the Seller’s store such as shipping of Merchandise, Merchandise recall, additional information request, contacting the Seller or providing evidence for executing a contract, or any other action in connection with the MyShop Service and the Seller’s store;
(4) conducting surveys to improve MyShop Service;
(5) exercising any claims against the Seller;
(6) proposing a third-party service relating to MyShop Service or enabling the Seller’s store to gain additional benefits from the usage thereof; and/or
(7) Any other purposes as we deem appropriate.

7.5 The Seller can access the “Seller Information” to review the history of MyShop Service usage and the sales history of Merchandise or services. In this regard, the Seller may access and review such data via MyShop Service system. 

7.6 Unless otherwise provided in Clause 17 (Privacy Policy), we will collect the Seller Information after the termination date of the service usage by the Seller or the suspension date of MyShop Service by us, as the case may be, subject to the principle of necessity and appropriateness at our sole discretion. 

8.     Seller’s Responsibilities

8.1 As the provision of MyShop Service is merely for the management of Merchandise and services by the Seller in order to present such Merchandise and services via LINE SHOPPING service, therefore, it is not possible by nature of MyShop Service to make a ranking of Merchandise and services to suit each group of Sellers.

8.2 In the event that the Seller has Merchandise and services with a statutory requirement under applicable laws to make a ranking to suit each group of Purchasers, e.g., ranking of age; the Seller shall provide the descriptions or marks affixing to such Merchandise or services for the Purchaser’s information.

8.3 In the event that the Seller desires to sell supplementary Merchandise or services to be used with the main Merchandise or services subject to certain conditions, the Seller shall be obliged to provide relevant description and conditions of sale of such supplementary Merchandise or services under the “Description” in details and provide answers to each of the Purchaser’s inquiries in such issue.

8.4 The Seller shall be obliged to set up his/her own shipping methods in accordance with the information obtained from the Purchaser, provided that the Seller shall use his/her best efforts to ensure that the Purchaser will receive the purchased Merchandises within the period as informed by the Seller. Additionally, the shipping costs associated with an order shall be as agreed upon between the Seller and the Purchaser, whereby the Seller must strictly follow the payment method as specified by the shipper.



In this regard, the Seller may use additional features provided by us in order to connect the shipping information to the shipping service providers partnered with us to enable the Seller and the Purchaser to track the shipping status at any time through MyShop Service and/or LINE SHOPPING service.

For the avoidance of doubt, such additional features are provided for the Seller’s convenience only. We reserve the right to disclaim any liability for any damages incurred in connection with all shipments of Merchandise, and the Seller shall make a claim from or be responsible for the shipper only. In addition, once the Seller has commenced the use of additional features, it is deemed that the Seller has agreed to comply with the terms and conditions of a third party immediately.

8.5 The Seller shall be solely responsible for the order management process, including but not limited to packaging and shipping of Merchandise, shipping costs collected by shipping service providers (which the Seller may charge from the Purchaser), as well as all liabilities and risks involved therein.

8.6 In the case where the Seller wishes to temporarily suspend the sale, encounters issues in relation to Merchandise shipping, or faces any other issues that render its store unable to effectively provide services to the Purchaser, the Seller may turn on the “Vacation” mode on the “Settings” page of the Seller’s store. In this regard, when the Seller turns on the “Vacation” mode, the Merchandise placed in the Seller’s store will not be displayed on the “Search” page, and the Seller may be disqualified from any promotional activities that the Seller is participating in at the time.
Nevertheless, in the event that the Seller’s store is inactive, including but not limited to the cases where the Seller has no sales transaction with the Purchaser, the Seller does not respond to the Purchaser’s messages or any other causes for 3 (three) consecutive days, we will send a notification message to the Seller via MyShop Official Account or any other channels as we deem appropriate. If the Seller fails to respond to us within 10 (ten) days from the receipt date of such message, it is deemed that the Seller wishes to temporarily suspend the sale, and we reserve the right to immediately change the status of the Seller’s store to “Inactive” mode, and we shall not be liable for any damages incurred to the Seller in all respects.

8.7 The Seller agrees that the Seller shall be solely responsible for any costs and damages incurred from the transactions between the Seller and the Purchaser, and shall not demand any costs and damages caused by the said transaction against us.

8.8 The Seller is responsible for handling the Purchaser’s requests for cancellations, returns, refunds, customer service, or other matters related to the transactions between the Seller and the Purchaser. Once the Purchaser places an order for the Merchandise through MyShop Service, the Seller shall handle the order process in all aspects. We shall not change or cancel any order made by the Purchaser, including any change of shipping or payment information. The Seller shall appropriately display information on MyShop Service for the Purchaser to contact the Seller for any changes or cancellations.

8.9 The Seller shall use an appropriate information security system to prevent the leakage of or unauthorized access to the Order Information. The Seller shall be solely responsible for any damages and costs caused therefrom and from other security incidents.

9.     Conditions for Accepting Payments and Fees Collection  

9.1 As MyShop Service connects to the payment service system, the Seller must apply for the use of the payment service system provided by LINE Company (Thailand) Limited to offer payment methods for the payment of Merchandise and services only, provided that the Seller is not allowed to seek any other payment methods. In this regard, the Seller shall strictly comply with the Terms and Conditions of Payment Service System at all times during the use of MyShop Service.

9.2 Collection of MyShop Service usage fee: We hereby declare that the Seller has a duty to pay the fees, expenses, and taxes arising out of the use of this MyShop Service, which are categorized by the type and method of service fee collection, including but not limited to the service fee collected from purchase orders upon the Purchaser’s completion of purchase, upon the Purchaser’s orders of Merchandise via LINE SHOPPING service, or any fees arising out of the use of other additional features in MyShop Service. The fees will be deducted from the sums to be transferred to the Seller; and the details and conditions regarding the fee collection, fee rates, calculation method, and other relevant conditions shall be in accordance with this Fee Policy.
In case of a modification to any terms of this Fee Policy by us in the future, we will notify the Seller in advance as per the period stipulated by laws via our various channels.

9.3 Collection of service fees for the use of payment service system (transaction fees): We hereby notify that the Seller has a duty to pay the fees, expenses, and taxes arising out of the use of the payment service system, including but not limited to credit/debit card processing fees, electronics wallet fees, bank transfer fees, or transaction fees for other payment tools to be provided by LINE Company (Thailand) Limited in the future; and the details and conditions regarding the fee collection, fee rates, calculation method, and other relevant conditions shall be in accordance with the Terms and Conditions of Payment Service System
In case of a modification to any terms of this Fee Policy by us in the future, we will notify the Seller in advance as per the period stipulated by laws via our various channels, provided that the Seller shall be responsible for reviewing the announcements and the Fee Policy. By continuing to use the service after the modification is effective, it shall be deemed that the Seller has accepted such modification. Should the Seller disagree with any modification, the Seller may contact us to terminate the use immediately.

9.4 In any case, we reserve a right to solely modify, suspend, cancel, and/or stipulate any conditions regarding the conditions for accepting payments and fee collection, including but not limited to the determination of the minimum amount for any payment method without prior notice to the Purchaser if such modification or cancellation is in compliance with the criteria and terms stipulated by laws.

9.5 In case of any error in proceeding with any transactions, the Seller allows us to adjust the items by deducting a sum from the bank account determined by the Seller in order to rectify such error. The adjustment shall be in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. If we are unable to deduct a sum from the bank account in any case, the Seller allows us to deduct a sum as well as any fees from other bank accounts or collaterals provided, or deduct any sums and fees from the Seller’s receivables in the future; provided that, the Seller allows us to deduct a sum in the following cases:
 (1) to rectify errors in proceeding with any transactions;
 (2) in the event regarding a settlement of any transactional disputes, including the compensation payable by the Seller to us;
 (3) if the Seller has committed any act or performed any transaction which may be fraudulent or upon reasonable evidence to suspect as such;
 (4) in the event regarding uncollected fees, overdue fees or any other expenses, or in the event that the fees or expenses from other means are pending for collection by us; or 
 (5) in any other cases that we deem reasonable.

10.     Sales and Marketing Promotional Activities

10.1 The Seller agrees that we may organize sales and marketing promotional activities for the Seller to encourage transactions between the Purchaser and the Seller, and other transactions, including but not limited to the provision of discount coupons or grants, such as discount coupons for Merchandise or LINE POINTS. Furthermore, we may promote stores or their Merchandise via various media at our sole discretion as we deem appropriate. In this regard, we will determine the details, terms, and conditions of each activity and notify the Seller via various channels. The qualified Seller will be able to participate in such activities automatically, subject to the conditions under Clause 10.2.

10.2 If the Seller is qualified for each sale and marketing promotional activity as provided in Clause 10.1 above, the Seller will be able to instantly participate in such activity which we may not provide any prior notice, and the Seller is not required to expressly accept his/her participation in such activity (e.g., by pressing the “accept” button to participate in the activity). However, the Seller may contact us via email at to decline the participation in sales promotional activities if the Seller does not wish to participate therein. 

10.3 In case any sales and marketing promotional activities require the Seller to express his/her intent to participate therein (e.g., activity that accepts a limited number of participated Sellers), the Seller will not be able to participate in such activity unless the Seller has read the terms and conditions of participation and expressly accepted his/her participation before participating therein (e.g., by pressing the “accept” button to participate in the activity). In any case, we shall have the right to solely determine the type of sales and marketing promotional activities which requires express consent from the Seller before participating in such activities.

10.4 We reserve the right to cancel the system of organizing the sales promotional activities and/or cancel or suspend the Seller’s right to participate in the sales promotional activities in any period at our sole discretion.

11.     Advertisement

While using MyShop Service, we will neither display advertisements nor permit a third party to use the space for displaying advertisements of goods or services in MyShop Service.

12.     Indemnification

12.1 The Seller agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold us harmless and our affiliates, officers, directors, employees, agents, and users of other services or MyShop Service from any claim or demand, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, made by any third party arising from or in connection with the Seller’s violation of the Terms of Service for Sellers, disputes between the Purchaser and the Seller, or the Seller’s violation of any laws or regulations or infringement of any third-party rights. If the Seller fails to assume such defense, then we may defend the action in any manner that we deem appropriate, and the Seller agrees to pay us all costs including reasonable attorneys’ fees that we incurred in effecting such defense in addition to any sum that we are likely to be required to pay by reason of any settlement or judgment. This indemnity hereunder shall survive the expiration or termination of MyShop Service usage by the Seller thereafter.

In compensation for the damages in accordance with the first paragraph, the Seller hereby consents us to deduct the money from the total sale revenue arising from the sale of the Merchandise (to be paid to the Seller) in this MyShop Service.

12.2 In the event of an issue or a dispute between the Seller and the Purchaser that cannot be resolved, we will consider resolving such issue or dispute, and the Seller agrees and gives its consent to abide by the decision determined by us, which shall be considered final.

In compensation for the damages in accordance with the first paragraph, the Seller hereby consents us to deduct the money from the total sale revenue arising from the sale of the Merchandise (to be paid to the Seller) in this MyShop Service.

13.     Complaint, Dispute Settlement, and Damage Handling and Rectification Measure 

13.1 The Seller shall be responsible for all damage, loss, shipping, defects of Merchandise, corruption, or the provision of services to the Purchaser. In the event of a complaint or dispute from the Purchaser regarding the Merchandise or the Seller’s services, the Seller shall be obliged to handle complaints or disputes by himself/herself immediately when the Purchaser files a complaint with the Seller. 
In this regard, after the Seller’s handling of the Purchaser’s complaint is completed, the Seller shall be responsible for providing documents and evidence regarding the handling of complaints or disputes to us via email: within a period of 7 (seven) days from the date the store has finished handling the complaint or dispute.

13.2 Should any Seller encounter any issue or incur any damage from the use of MyShop Service, the Seller shall report such issue or damage via MyShop Official Account.

13.3 In case the Seller has submitted a complaint via the channels specified in Clause 13.2, we will review the facts and information reported by the Seller and will inform the Seller of the examination’s result and the resolution after the consideration is made via the email provided by the Seller at the time of the complaint filing. We will examine and inform the Seller of the result within 14 (fourteen) business days, provided that the Seller may track the result thereof via MyShop Official Account or email at

13.4 Subject to the limitation of liability in Clause 15, in the event that any Seller encounters any issue or incurs any damage and submits a complaint in accordance with Clause 13.2, and if we consider that the issue or damage should be resolved urgently, we may handle and resolve such issue immediately. .

13.5 If any Seller encounters any issue relating to the use of MyShop Service, we recommend the Seller to submit a complaint through the channels provided in Clause 13.2 first. If there is no solution provided within the determined period, you may contact the Online Fraud and Complaint Center (1212ETDA), hotline number 1212 (24 hours), or email at, for advice and acceptance of the complaint.

13.6 As the provision of MyShop Service is merely for the management of Merchandise and services by the Seller in order to present such Merchandise and services via LINE SHOPPING service, we do not have a mechanism for notification and taking action against the illegal Merchandise or services for the Seller to report to us.





16.     Termination of MyShop Service Usage

The Seller may terminate MyShop Service at any time. In the event that the Seller wishes to terminate MyShop Service, the Seller shall notify such intent to us via or In this regard, the Seller shall perform all obligations for the Purchaser and us, including but not limited to proceeding with the shipping of all Merchandise to the Purchaser prior to the termination of MyShop Service usage is completed. Nonetheless, we reserve the right to request the Seller to perform or demand damages from the Seller after his/her termination of MyShop Service usage if we later find that the Seller is in breach of any of these Terms of Service for Sellers.


After our consideration of request, the Seller will not be able to use this MyShop Service, and the Seller will no longer be able to access or review the history or information gained from MyShop Service usage on your electronic device unless the Seller has requested to access or review the history or such information to us. The Seller can request personal information or other information that users have in the Service before canceling the Service via email:

17.     Privacy Policy

17.1 We place our highest priority on the privacy of our Sellers.

17.2 We promise to protect the privacy and personal information of our Sellers in accordance with LY Corporation Privacy Policy.

17.3 We promise to exercise the utmost care and attention regarding our security measures for the continued security of any and all Seller information.

17.4 We may install modules of a third-party Software Development Kit (SDK) in MyShop Service in order to analyze MyShop Service usage status and to allow third parties, including advertisers, to distribute advertisements on our behalf and to measure the effectiveness thereof, provided that the SDKs may directly collect the Seller information, and the Seller can choose to suspend or resume receiving ads delivered based on the Seller information at any time.
With regards to the Seller’s personal data processed by third parties through a module or any other means provided by such third parties, the privacy policy of such third parties shall apply. Please click “here” to confirm the details regarding third-party modules, including the method to suspend or resume receiving ads shipping or the use of those services.

17.5 Please note that we do not provide any information of our Sellers to other Sellers or to a third party who/which is not directly related to the provision of the MyShop Service.

18.     General Provisions

18.1 No delay or failure to take action under these Terms of Service for Sellers shall constitute any waiver by us of any provision of the Terms of Service for Sellers. If any provision of the Terms of Service for Sellers is invalid or unenforceable under applicable laws, then that provision is deemed enforceable to the fullest extent possible (and severable in the event such provision is completely unenforceable) and the remaining provisions of the Terms of Service for Sellers shall continue in full force and effect. The Terms of Service for Sellers shall bind and inure to the benefit of us, our affiliates, and our permitted successors and assigns. 

18.2 We reserve the right to unilaterally change, add, or cancel any content in the Related Terms of Service and the Terms of Service for Sellers at any time unless the law specifically states that we must take steps to notify the Sellers of change in any terms in advance, in which case, we will inform the Seller at least 15 days in advance. However, the Seller shall be responsible for reviewing the Related Terms of Service and the Terms of Service for Sellers each time before using MyShop Service. In the event that the Seller has expressly agreed to accept the change in such terms or by continuing to use MyShop service after notification of any changes, it shall be deemed that the Seller has accepted and agreed to such changes.

18.3 The Terms of Service for Sellers shall be governed by the laws of Japan without regard to or application of any principles or provisions regarding the conflict of laws. The Seller agrees to submit to the jurisdiction of the Tokyo District Court in Japan. 
In this regard, we hereby notify the Sellers that in case of any dispute between us and the Sellers, we will not resort to the dispute settlement by mediation or arbitration.

18.4 The Seller shall keep confidential our confidential information and shall not disclose such confidential information to any third parties in any case without our consent.

18.5 These Terms of Service for Sellers shall apply to the Seller that we have determined to be located in Thailand. In case of any discrepancies between the Terms of Service for Sellers and any translation hereof, the English version of the Terms of Service for Sellers shall prevail.


Date of Promulgation: 2 April 2019

Date of 1st Amendment: 24 July 2022

Date of 2nd Amendment: 29 September 2022

Date of 3rd Amendment: 1 October 2023

Date of 4th Amendment: 29 March 2024

Date of 5th Amendment: 1 July 2024